ive read this before and forgot abt this and just now i came back to see if this was updated but good lawd, i came across the side story and apparently the dad was a sht making out with other people and got g*angbanged by other men (even his idk right hand snake man?that man HAS TWO DICKS) before the main story happened

damn, i saw this on IG and i liked the edit. i fcking thought it would be a nice ass story but seeing the comments i think I won't be able to handle reading this, i was so heartbroken because of "Into The Rose Garden" and i was about to really k/ll myself by reading this, thank goodness i read comments

lmao i was planning to read this but then i saw some spoilers on ig this man knocked on the door and saw them half naked wtf someone explain it to meee, and I'm seeing all this comments dayummm. YALL IM WILLING TO SEE MORE SPOILERS BUT NOT LIKE THE OTHER MAN IS SEEING HIM WITH SOMEONE ELSE i hate it. my kokoro is brokoro.
bruh, wth??