This story is just beautiful. I have no words. Hyeonwoo and Subin's story feels tragic to me, I cannot get the right word to term it but there was something in them that leaves an empty hole in me for some reason. Maybe it's because I saw so much potential in them but that wasn't what fate has decided.
Anyhow, I'm reflecting on Jun and Subin's relationship as I see myself in them (I'm currently in a relationship so...). I'm occasionally in a situation like them and likely lost sometimes in the relationship.
One thing I can advice if you and your partner feel lost when your in a relationship is to retrace everything. From the first time you met, the first time you realized "oh, I love her. I wanna be with this person for the entirety of my life, even eternity." Just, retrace everything, go back to where you started, re-feel everything again.
If it concludes with, "I cannot live without this person." then, it's still there. However, if you feel like you can go on without that person anymore despite retracing everything, it's likely a sign to stop.
its good y'allll. i just love geon's parents, they're so open and accepting. i also loved the way the pastor said that it's not that being a homo is a sin according to the bible, rather it is unrestrained lust. it reminds me of
"1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture", a documentary that claims that there was a mistranslation of the greek word "arsenokoites" as homosexuality—which turned the Christian followers to believe that homosexuality is a sin when in fact it is not.
i haven't watched the full documentary myself but it already says a lot. going back, the overall plot and the storyline of this manhwa is gooddd. i liked the smut scenes too hehe. however, i wished that they focused a li'l bit more on the topic of gender and stereotyping, especially among religions. but that's just my opinion, 'kay? dgaf, i just really wanna tell y'all about the documentaryyy cuz it
changed my perspective a lot (in a good way) HAHAHAJSHSHA