No cuz why these amazing looking manhwas are dropped
I left this marinating since feb 2024 and came back TODAY to see the last update being in august 2024... I see we can't always win
Reallll I fear I will forget the plot soon because I left it marinating this long
The character's are so well written so far, think I'll let this marinate
Looks promising ~~~ tyy for the translation
The only happiness I gain with this work is reading the comments and seeing everyone hating on Jaekyung lol, this shared feeling brings me a community sense
Little does he know that four more students know the truth now (if the A classes aren't that dumb)
It's been really though for us single people
I'm directing all the hatred I accumulated in my three years of uni to Jo Jokyung
this is literally my way of coping rn too LMFAO
He's stupid, eat shit jaekyung
How can he still be such an asshole even when he's missing Dan so much omg he's stupid, i hate him, hope he loses his next match
No cuz why these amazing looking manhwas are dropped