Meru21 created a topic of Profundis

At least someone tries to comfort him. I mean, sure Mr. Panther is still a complete asshole for acting as he did in the beginning, but at least he's changed and is trying to treat our MC better. .
Also, I think that Almuten was always in the brother. I think he was masquerading in his skin, or just under the surface for quite some time until the brother proved to be useless, which, unfortunately, he was the moment he went into that hospital. It would explain why the brother was so insane. He literally had Almuten in his head the whole time. And when that guy from the Team Rocket came, it was more of a "come home" thing than anything. I hope his poor brother is finally at peace. I mean, even if Almutrn wasn't inside him since they manifested as children, he could never get a proper guiding from his brother, but couldn't stand anyone else doing it. That would drive anyone crazy. Our MC is going to lose his will to fight once he finds out his brother is dead. Or maybe he'll run away because the contract is void, now, because blondie was supposed to protect his brother and he didn't hold up his end of the bargain.... Maybe Mr. Panther will try and help him escape.......I sense more romantic angst coming soon.

Meru21 created a topic of Dark Fall

Anyone else see the similarities between Cliff and Nergal? Not to mention they both can inter-dimensional travel. I'm wondering if they're related, or the same person. I would feel kind of icky if Nergal turned out to be Cliff's son from another dimension......
Anyway, I'm totally not into tentacles at all, but Mephisto can do whatever he likes to me. It would be interesting if Leon starts to fall for Mephisto. I bet Nergal would be pissed. Lol.

Meru21 created a topic of The best luck of my life

His abandonment issues are so severe. Couple that with an obsessive personality and low self esteem, and we have a nice little cocktail of someone with extreme anxiety and control issues.

Meru21 created a topic of Another Lie

You can't tell someone with commitment and attachment issues that you like/love them. They'll run for the hills.

Meru21 created a topic of Cry Me a River

Mieun's dick looks like a toothpick next to his "young master's". Lol.

I guess its not surprising that he has abandonment issues, but damn, that's a bad case right there thats heading straight into obsession. It is so not healthy to force anyone to change for you, period. Considering what he's been through, I'm actually surprised he thinks that that's okay. Woowon is going to tell him no and then the shit is gonna hit the fan. Well, that's if he doesn't force himself on Woowon in this next chapter (guess we will see if Woowon is cut out to bottom). I have a bad feeling that Woowon is about to get a serious scare and is going to run away if he can't find a way to calm Seo-an down before he doesn't something he can't take back. And if he runs away...well, Seo-an is going to spiral for sure. Damn, damn, and double-damn.

Meru21 created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Although I've explained before, I'll do so again. This is a story where each season is a reset of the original timeline. A redo, of sorts, for our main characters. Although they are destined to meet again and again, their choices change the outcome each time.
The first run through (1st season) of the timeline was in Aeroc's pov. We saw that he killed Raphiel and Clough took revenge on him for that. And although what Clough did went too far, in my opinion, I feel he was justified in the beginning for revenge. I mean, we have no idea what he was thinking during the first timeline. He and Raphiel very well could have been happily mated forever and Clough could have only seen Aeroc as an alpha he had attraction for. But we'll never know because Aeroc's temper tantrum and obsession got Raphiel and his unborn child killed.
Currently, in the second season, Aeroc and Clough have already died once and their timeline has been reset to before they met and we are viewing things strictly from Clough's pov. Although it's clear that Aeroc has his memories of the past run through of the timeline, Clough only has fragments and is currently passing them off as nightmares. He never hit Raphiel or abused him. His nightmares and memories are colliding and creating one hell of a cocktail of night terrors, making everything convoluted for him. (Side note: anything with a black background instead of typical white are either nightmares, memories, or fantasies Clough is having; this is standard in any webtoon.) Clough honestly has no idea what's going on with him, nor that he's been thrown back into his youth to retry his life over again. Think of it like a save in a game. A checkpoint, if you will. Aeroc and Clough are the main characters and when they die, they are sent back to the checkpoint/save as a way to try again, although who gets what data from the previous play through is random.
So, Clough, in season 2, hasn't done anything wrong. His slate is wiped clean. Just as Aeroc's is. They have yet to hurt each other. Only Aeroc has the memory of the hurt inflicted, while Clough has fragments of those memories without real knowledge or understanding of what they are. Yet. Big yet after all of that. It's all a matter of wehter or not Aeroc will make the same mistakes and lead them down that path again. It all started with him. Of course, there's no telling what all these nightmares might do to Clough. They seem to be driving him more than a little insane and he seems to have more than a passing fancy for Aeroc in this reset than the first one...
Anyway, I should have chapter 33 up in a couple days (maybe tomorrow). I'll post a brief summary in the beginning of the chapter for anyone who doesn't see this.

Meru21 created a topic of Water Polo Prince

Now THAT is an argument. I'm so glad that Chaeyoon said what he did. Completely wiped out every argument Sandor had with solid logic. Unfortunately, desperate and crazed people don't really think with logic. . I feel for Sandor in a sense, but he really pissed me off too. I've had the whole "no one will ever love you like I do" line said to me. It hurts deeply, even when it's not meant in a derogatory way. Sandor took it quite a bit further to be sure... he is quite the dangerous stalker. Wasn't expecting that. I'm not really a fan of Suho either, negating Chaeyoon's feelings just because he doesn't understand his way of thinking. But at this moment, he's a far cry better than Sandor. I mean, every girl secretly wishes their boyfriend wants to lock them up, but not REALLY. We want healthy obsession, not creepy.

Meru21 created a topic of Secondo Piatto

I cant believe I'm gonna say this, but do you ever just wonder how someone smells? I bet Hyunwook smells like sandalwood and cotton.


I don't like stories that start off in the present and then jump into the past with such long scenarios. A whole play-by-play of a situation isn't necessary for a plot like this. Especially when the incident is already resolved. It's only relevant if the issue ISN'T resolved. So I'm out. I did enjoy the story until about 5 chapters ago.

Meru21 created a topic of Marriage and Sword

You're perpetuating your own demise by separating them. Of course Shaun is gonna go berserk when Hergenes gets hurt trying to rescue him. And then he's going to burn estimates to the ground just to avenge or get to her. Nice going, Ilwoods.

Meru21 created a topic of Backlight

I'm betting that the older brother had a thing for Seo-in and Yeonwoon caught Seo-in kissing him as a "if you do it once, I can give up" thing and it freaked him out. And of course, the older brother probably committed suicide, the poor guy, because he couldn't deal with someone knowing or just couldn't handle thr rejection and the feelings he had. That's probably why Seo-in dyes his hair blonde as well. As a reminder of the guilt he feels is necessary to carry around about his brother. Although, I am wondering if the brother was adopted because of the blond hair. I really hate the blond hair on him. It doesn't suit him at all.

If you get past the obviously copy and pasted Google translations, its pretty good. Got an omega who sticks to his guns for quite some time. What I don't like, however, is the fact that he was gang raped was never discussed with Dojin. In fact, none of his past trauma has been, so the whole thing is a little shallow. But! We have a genuinely nice alpha male lead who, although gets overwhelmed by instincts and pheramones (understandable with the way omegaverse works), seems to be very kind and considerate and is trying to be everything the omega needs. To be honest, he compromises a little TOO much for his own sake. Thats not necessarily healthy.
And on a random note: those sandals need to be banned from everywhere. Not only are they a hazard if a fire were to break out or the need to run was imminent, but they're hideous and I can't get over how dirty one's socks would be, nor how cold your feet would be. Not to mention they are super unprofessional looking. I HATE those stupid sandals.

Meru21 created a topic of Reunion

If it's censored this heavily for a mere hickey and some tongue action, what are they going to do about chapters 51-53, which are all sex? Seriously. I'd be okay if the uploader spliced in the sexy bits even without translation into the officials.

Meru21 created a topic of Yours to Claim

They Xmas artwork of Cain and Yawhi are totally based off of Taemin's new dance from the song Guilty. Lol. I'm loving it. I love Taemin (if you can't tell from my avatar photo). It was a nice gift. Good luck to anyone entering the contest.

Clearly doesn't under how to have healthy ways of thinking. No, Jitae is not at fault in any capacity for loving someone. Just because he loved his friend, doesn't mean he was being sneaky or underhanded or owes a debt to that friends wife for his feelings. I mean, wtf? The wife and her brother were the only ones who did something underhanded and they got off so easy. I'm all about forgiveness when you're ready, but no one gets to decide when that's given. And that girl had the audacity to ask for Jitae to forgive her brother for her sake all over a situation she created??? No. No way. And jitae thinks he's at fault for everything? Thats not healthy at all. There was also no character development for Haejoon coming to terms with his feelings. It just...happened. Like a fact. Unexpected, un explained and it stunk. The artwork too started sketchy, got better and settled and then went to hell again. They ended up with small hands and balloon torsos. What the hell happened?! It was so clear that the author just wanted to end this as quickly as possible. That was so anticlimactic and lousy and lacking any depth for an ending. It was great up until the last five chapters. Just such a disappointment. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Meru21 created a topic of Safety First

Terrible. I get what the author was going for but that was just awful. Bad continuity, weird plot, and anatomical issues. Just didn't like it, but hey, to each their own. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Meru21 created a topic of Salty Lust

Probably left to give birth. Maybe he needs to give brith with special equipment or on his home planet to ensure safety of the child. Who knows?

Meru21 created a topic of Payback

I love the uncle. He's so proud of Jay and just being around him makes him happy. Such a good family member. I hope nothing bad happens to him

Meru21 created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I get that it was unwanted on both parts but accidents happen. If you don't want the child,leave them alone and sign away the rights. Our uke should have had his friend sign as the father just to be safe.