Meru21 created a topic of Where the Heart Is

I don't like Sol's dark-haored mother. Seems like she doesn't give a shit about anyone around her and is controlling as fuck over the blonde and neglectful of Sol. I hope I'm wrong.

I wonder if hero transfer can happen. I bet that he will find a way to resurrect all of those heros as his own army to destroy the system.

Meru21 created a topic of Profundis

I knew those two were gonna DP him. I wish Catman had kept hold of his sympathy for Yugeon. I really hate the little blonde, though. He's sociopathic to the nth degree. Just run away with Taein, Yugeon!

Meru21 created a topic of My Master

I want Robbie's story!! He looks so cute. (≧∀≦)
Good story throughout. Artwork stayed steady, although Jooin's neck got a little too long by the end for some weird reason....worth the read. Maybe not something I'll read again, but definitely good.

Meru21 created a topic of Rainbow City

Juju, chapter 2 is out of order! Thank you as always for the uploads of officials. I hope the translations continue too.

Okay, okay, I'm glad that the sister isn't a villain. I like her. She's totally reckless and impulsive but she's a child, so she'll learn. She's funny though. And I'm glad to see an actual sibling-type relationship that isn't super toxic or super loving. They act like siblings. She totally shouldn't have kicked him like that, but she got her karma. I bet she'll be the one to return while Jisoo stays in the end, because I'm better the fate stone will be a one-time use thing for only one person. Where's Merlin when you need him?
Oh and I feel terrible for Shae's brother. I really do. That is going to be hell for him when he sees that his Shae is gone..

Meru21 created a topic of Someone Like You

Did the artwork get messier? I feel like it did, especially with the clothes...

Meru21 created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

They never work for either party, even if there's love. Why? Because you never took the time to heal and get over your last relationship. He needs time to learn to love himself because he keeps putting himself in situations that make him feel like shit. And Gitae needs to not only mature, but learn to recognize and cope with his own emotions. Drama will be abundant with these two. I'm rooting for them.

Meru21 created a topic of Dark Fall

I think what you miss is having your way with him, you rat bastard. No shame whatsoever. I hope Leon smacks him or something. Hell, I hope he gets his powers back or his love comes back and takes him away...
Or he leaves with Mephisto.....I'm okay with that too. Lol

Meru21 created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

I knew the director was male!! He always gave masculine vibes in weird instances where women wouldn't act like that. I wonder when he'll cut his hair and why he doesn't? I feel like his boyfriend died tragically....

Meru21 created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Feel kinda bad for him. Rejection sucks. But Garam is right on point and I don't blame him a bit for not giving in. Big D needs to do some major changing. I hope he does. I wonder who the love rival will be. No doubt we're gonna have that arc.

I come back every month to reread the last two chapters of s2 and I'm always left feeling both surprised and not at how vulgar Wooyeon is...
I hope Inseob still tries to run away. If he does, I bet it will be one of two scenarios:
1) he goes and asks the press to help him leave without WY knowing and is rejected and then Inseob threatens him with exposing what WY did to that other actor and ruining his career. The president helps and WY disappears and WY goes ballistic.
Or 2) Inseob tries to run away on his own again, but fails miserably and is plotting his next avenue of escape when that journalist posts a very defaming article about WY using info that only Inseob had. WY finds out, feels betrayed and kicks him out. Inseob, although devastated, leaves quietly for America and WY realizes too late that Inseob had nothing to do with the article.
I hope it's the first scenario, but I have a feeling it will be the second. Although I don't know why WY would feel betrayed over losing his career. Doesn't seem like he'd give a shit either way. Either way, I can't wait until the update.... I want Inseob to break his heart so bad.

Glad that didn't get dragged out

Meru21 created a topic of Profundis

I've always thought Heesu was the worst of the bunch. This is not gonna end well.

Meru21 created a topic of DEAREST

They both are relatively the same size (wtf, is with the torpedoes btw), so I wonder if they'll be a switch. I would love that.

Those children were switched at birth.

Meru21 created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

I was wondering when Hyungseo was going to reach his limit and let his crazy explode onto our poor boy. Not gonna lie, I kind of want it to happen if only to get it over with because it's messing with my anxiety. I'm always like "is this the chapter where our Jiwook gets raped by Hyungseo? No? Okay, I can breathe again... wait, no, there he is! But its the end of the chapter!" And the cycle repeats. Just want him to get his cumuppance already.

Meru21 created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

A speech bubble didn't take and a page was out of order so I fixed it!! Super sorry!!

So Jina has no idea that Maythan is her brother. That's a good twist. She's either gonna get hella pissed that everyone is going after Maythan now, or she's gonna find it hilarious and try to push Maythan together with her bias. Lol. I hope it's the funny route and not the route that makes her look like a villain.

Meru21 created a topic of Unfinished Business

To see Mido/Eugene suffer from guilt.