Meru21 created a topic of Yet You Love a Guy Like Him

Then I'm 6 foot tall. I don't believe those are the officials for a minute. If they are, they need a new translator and cleaner because they are terrible.

Meru21 created a topic of Gig of the Day

You know, when you have traumatic incidents as a child, in many cases, the child will stop maturing at that age mentally. (If it's a single incident and not a prolonged case of abuse.) Knowlege-wise, they may grow and learn and also grow physically, but emotionally, they'll be stunted. My mother is like that. Her father abandoning the family for another one he created under their nose was really traumatic for her. She was 13. Unfortunately, she went the bad route. She became promiscuous, angry, blamed her mom, was an abusive parent herself, and just was a mean person. And she throws tantrums like a 13 year old. She also has the patience of one, which is to say it's non-existent.
The uke here was abandoned when he was very young. Abandonment issues and the emotional dependency of a child barely out of the toddler stage can create someone like this. He never asks for anything, is a doormat, seems innocent and happy, and will do anything to make sure someone they care about doesn't leave. It's extremely sad. He needs someone to spoil him and allow him to cry and be selfish. I hope Taeseo will do this, but he seems a little disinterested beyond the physical relationship. So far, at least.

This is beyond ridiculous. I love a good psych trope, but this was beyond contradictory and just plain stupid at points. Kohaku is okay with one stalker but not the other. Ten is a pedo and co.pletely obsessed with Kohaku and manipulative. There's zero character depth and development, zero chemistry and the pacing is deplorable. The artwork is the only good thing about this, but I do not recommend this even as a filler.

Meru21 created a topic of Wish You All the Best

Were those flames or pheromones??? It was really poorly drawn so I actually can't tell.

Meru21 created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I wanna see how Doyoon reacts when/if Yijun tells him he hates him. Makes me wonder if he'll care.

Meru21 created a topic of Profundis

All that talk about not wanting to break him mentally and that's exactly what blondie did. God i hate that guy. . I was okay-ish with the Chocolate Cat for a while, and although I'm glad he regrets his actions, he's become just as bad as blondie. Too little too late to regret when the damage is already done. I don't care how desperate you are emotionally, that was terrible.

Meru21 created a topic of Zanzou Slow Motion

Thank you for the officials!! I waited so long for this. I have the physical manga in Japanese, and although I can partially translate that, I'm not fluent. I really appreciate the uploads! This has always been a fave of mine, along with its sister book.

Meru21 created a topic of Another Lie

Totally reminds me of Yotsuba. Lol

Meru21 created a topic of Monday'saviour

I can tell the translator is from the UK. Thanks for the updates.

Meru21 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

He had his memories taken away. That was the dragon's punishment for taking him back. It's not amnesia. His memories aren't hidden away, they're gone. In this sense, I dont feel it falls into the amnesia trope, though I understand how others can think that, and are sick of it. Trust me, it's overdone. However, I think it suits this story in a way, because it's spiritually affected, not physically through trauma. . .

Meru21 created a topic of Backlight

Honestly, I didn't think little twerp would have the balls to make his intentions known. I thought he'd just stir crap up from the shadows and make blonde ego jealous and unhappy. Kind feel like high fiving him for kissing YW. Not because he should, but because he had the courage to.

Meru21 created a topic of Jinx

Dan is gonna have a hell of a time the next few chapters. I have a really bad premonition of Jaekyung blaming him regardless because of the photo he was sent, rape (again) and then kicking him out of everything. I hope that that actor comes to get him. Or Potato takes him in and they have a thing.

Meru21 created a topic of Cry Me a River

It's always the pretty ones that are psycho.

Meru21 created a topic of Perfect Buddy

That was quite the ahegao face...

Meru21 created a topic of Kabukicho Cat Honey

"Shiro" means "white" in Japanese. "Yuki" means snow. So the cat's name is "white", not "snow"...I have no idea how they mixed those two up. The Kanji aren't even similar

Meru21 created a topic of Predator Marriage

I hope Kurkan tells the queen she has offended him greatly and embarrasses the shit out if her.

Meru21 created a topic of Where the Heart Is

I don't like Sol's dark-haored mother. Seems like she doesn't give a shit about anyone around her and is controlling as fuck over the blonde and neglectful of Sol. I hope I'm wrong.

I wonder if hero transfer can happen. I bet that he will find a way to resurrect all of those heros as his own army to destroy the system.

Meru21 created a topic of Profundis

I knew those two were gonna DP him. I wish Catman had kept hold of his sympathy for Yugeon. I really hate the little blonde, though. He's sociopathic to the nth degree. Just run away with Taein, Yugeon!

Meru21 created a topic of My Master

I want Robbie's story!! He looks so cute. (≧∀≦)
Good story throughout. Artwork stayed steady, although Jooin's neck got a little too long by the end for some weird reason....worth the read. Maybe not something I'll read again, but definitely good.