Meru21 created a topic of Backlight

I wish that just once an author would take the uke and have him say, "I quit. I'm not putting up with this." Instead of getting swept up in the seme's schemes and manipulation. I just want a dry uke who forces the seme to actually work for it!! Still love this though. Lol

Meru21 created a topic of Flip the script

I hope TK falls for YG and YG rejects him with a "why would I ever like--let alone love--someone who treats me like a toy to be abused? I will NEVER be with you willingly." And watch THIS heart break because this is so unnecessary. He's not a sadist and Yigon hasn't done anything to him so there's no reason for him to treat Yigon this way other than to relieve his own frustrations from his personal life. Even if this was jealousy, which I doubt (more like his ego thinking his reputation will be tarnished), it certainly didn't come off that way. He's abusing him because he can. I really hope Yigon gets to tell him off at some point, but I having a feeling his brother will try to kill him first

Meru21 created a topic of Silent Lover

The feel of this manhua reminds me of Palace of Bardo. . . I hope for a happy ending, but this princeling is not who I'm rooting for. I just want Qiling to be happy with what's remaining of his life.

Meru21 created a topic of Lost Motion

Its going to be a loveless marriage, obviously arranged by her father for both of them. Neither seems to want it and yet everyone is upset that he hooks up with an old fling and she starts having interest in someone else. Personally, if we're going off of who's worse (just on the aspect of cheating), she's going to be because she'll bring emotions into it while Taeha is just screwing a chick to get out his frustrations.
Anyway. I feel bad for all parties involved, but mostly our Sooha. She obviously wants to make things work somewhat with Taeha, even if it's not love. She at least wants affection. And Taeha just keeps forcing her because he's frustrated. I'm wondering if he has feelings for her (because he kissed her), but thinks maybe she used her father to set up this marriage and feels betrayed instead. Like she's doing it for money and has no idea what she had to let go of. . . I'm guessing she doesn't know what her father has done to him either.

Meru21 created a topic of Chaotic Nights

The translations go from being good, then to lazy and then to bad, and back to good again. Whats up with this??

I don't want her to be a villain!!! Nooooo!

Meru21 created a topic of Flip the script

That was the perfect opportunity to sweeten him up and you HAD to ruin it. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

Meru21 created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

I'm guessing this is a side story where SooYoung runs away with Minhyuk and lives "happily ever after" with him....... maybe. Not that this story has ever been a "happily ever after kind, but it would be nice to see Minhyuk end up with SooYoung in some universe.

Kinda of want him to tell him he hates them all just to see how they'll react...

Meru21 created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

I love the director! Normally I go for the emotio ally unstable psychopath, but I'm actually rooting for Hyeon Ho in this one!

Meru21 created a topic of Not Blossom

Beautiful art, fascinating plot. A little weird that the past is in white and the black is in present, but I think thats just for overall tonality and mood.
Anyway. I've been thinking it was Jun from the beginning, but I'm kind of all over the place with this. I don't have a clue, but I have a feeling it might be the pretty boy interpreter, or maybe it really was Inu himself and we're all being lead around by the nose.....

No one but Hyeol is showing yandere traits, and those are shallow at best. Lol.
But, omg! Is Our Sunny Days coming back?! Seeing the baby at the end made me really miss that manga....
Anyway! That was one creepy stalker. I hope it doesn't turn into anything serious and is instead something a coworker waiting for SH to come back to work due to overload or something...

Meru21 created a topic of Jinx

I feel like Dan's grandma is gonna die, he's gonna get an offer from a reputable place that will pay off his debt to JH and he'll go to tell JH that he's quitting, but he'll have already found out. JH will get pissed and Dan will tell him he already has a place lined up but will send for his grandma's cabinets. JH will yell about how he's done so much for Dan and Dan hasn't done anything even close to the same so they're not even. Dan might actually stand up for himself, but JH will get pissed and starts destroying the cabinets. Dan will try to stop him, but JH will be seeing red and not even noticing what he's doing. One of two things will happen then; 1) The cabinets will be destroyed and Dan will be so devastated that even JH will notice and Dan will leave angrily, bawling. Or 2) one of the cabinets will start to fall and Dan being Dan, will shove JH out of the way and get trapped under it and severely hurt. In which case, JH might actually say his name, which he's never done. (They've also never kissed, either...)
I have a bad feeling that all of that won't take place before another rape. I have a bad hunch that the hospital will be calling during it and JH won't let him answer the phone and Dan will miss out on being able to say goodbye to his grandma. . . . . Yeah. Seems to fit this story. I don't think JH can be redeemed at this point. Normally, I won't give up on MLs, knowing that every person can change if they want to. But JH seems to like being miserable and angry all the time. He's selfish beyond reason and has such a short fuse that I don't know what it would take to get him to realize he has to change. Unfortunately, I think Dan getting hurt for his sake after he's been nothing but an asshole will be the only thing that does it. Just a theory though.

Meru21 created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

As a Duke, even a Grand Duke, he should be referred to as "Your Grace", not "Your Highness". It has bothered me this whole time. Lol.
Cute story. Funny, light and interesting.

Meru21 created a topic of Number of Cases

Although the officials are obviously better than the translations on this one, the constant back and forth from past to present is more than a little annoying. It's also not depicted very well, so it can be kind of hard to follow. There are large gaps between present events as well so plot development for present time is lacking while the past seems to be the focus, which is weird. The art is still gorgeous and I'm hoping the whole set up gets more linear rather than jump around so much. I get what the author is going for, but the execution is not great. Some sort of demarcated between flashbacks and the present would benefit this greatly. Like a gray background for the past or something.

Meru21 created a topic of An Abyss

Her hair always reminds me of speghetti. Pretty, speghetti, but still. Lol
Anyway, I know Devon takes issue with Kenny and Lou's relationship, but that's actually not necessarily a bad thing for him to be releasing what sex is with someone he trusts and loves. Although it can create a dependency that's unhealthy, Lou is so far abused and traumatized that it's going to be near impossible for him to ever process any emotions normally. He also stopped developing mentally after seeing his parents die and then Judith. And then the person who "saved" him, groomed him, kept him locked away and isolated him without giving him an education or socially adapting him, and then he raped him continously for years. He may never be able to process emotions beyond the confines of the mind of an 8 year old. He'll feel the emotions and have the urges of an adult but he's going to react like a child would. He is, unfortunately, damaged beyond repair psychologically. He may develop some stability, but I doubt Lou will ever be able to be independent. It's really sad what was done, and the effects of it, but this author is portraying that reality very well.

Meru21 created a topic of Jinx

I wanted Jaekyung to win, but only for Dan's sake.
And that stupid skinhead could never beat him. He had to purposefully injur him just to tie. Loser.

I hope the next season is a recap from Chaeheon's perspective.

I'm only reading the officials (because they're actually better despite some misspellings here and there), and they're almost caught up to the translations so I'm at chpt 61 attgis point.
This is a fantastic story. I have to say though, I'm a little disappointed in Wilhelm's backstory. The author made it seem as though he'd met Rein far earlier than he did. Not only that, there was this whole overshadowing of the gods and I was thinking they were reincarnations of them sent back in time over and over until they fixed whatever went wrong, but that seems to not be the case. I AM curious about Wilhelm having Amaryllis's ring. It doesn't have the stone any more but it's clear that's her ring. He must be a decendant closer than the king's line is.
I also really didn't like the swearing or the use of some slang terms. Like "punk", for example. They don't fit with the story and "fuck", "shit" and "bitch" were not used as swear words or even invented in the period of time this story takes place's also a different world so it really doesn't suit.
Anyway. Besides those minor details, this is a great story! Good plot, actual revenge, love, intrigue and consistent flow and art.
I have to say, I don't think Dietrich is dead. I think he's in a coma somewhere or suffering from amnesia. I really liked him, and death always follows the characters I like so I knew he was gonna disappear somehow. Pesonally, I could never get revenge on someone. I was abused by my brother until I was 13, my stepfather until I was 18 and my mother until I was 23 and I never wanted revenge. I understand how some could want it, sure, but I never wanted it by my own hands. Even now, I just want them to be happy, because being miserable is what made them so miserable towards others. But I'm a big believer in karma and balance and I certainly have a good giggle when it hits them. I'd rather live in peace. I've had enough turmoil for 3 lifetimes and I'm still dealing with the fallout, so I want to take the time I have left on this life and not waste it on petty revenge and upset. Revenge only begets more revenge after all.

Meru21 created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear


So, MH kills NH and is emotionally abusing YJ. I'm guessing it's going to go one of two ways:
1) YJ starts to get closer to the director and they start sort of dating. MH goes batshit and crosses a line with YJ that pushes him further awayand kind of forces HW to take him not (not that he's going to mind), and we're gonna see that HW is a serial killer murdering people and MH comes to save YJ and HW will just out MH as NH's murderer.
Or 2) same basic set up but HW actually turns out to be a good guy and while being sidelined by YJ even though they're interested in one another. MH puts pressure emotionally and physically on YJ but YJ just can't leave him. That's when MH will try to kill HW. He's done it before so why not and he's been doing it this whole time with strangers (maybe people who resemble NH??), so offing HW will be a breeze. But YJ is stuck on HW, having found out MH killed NH and then left after a big blow up. He'll probably kidnap them both (warehouse scene!) and tie up YJ until he says he loves MH and will be with him. But will go to kill HW anyway, because he knows YJ is lying. YJ will jump in front, save HW and HW will either be let go by MH to get YJ medical treatment and MH will disappear and YJ will slip into a coma, or MH will turn himself in and accept punishment for his crimes and YJ will do the whole "I'll wait for you" bs because he's so manipulated by MH.
It could be a mix of the two scenarios but I would be sure it's not one of those two.