Meru21 created a topic of Regas

Whats the age gap here? I'm assuming that because the prince is dragon born, he might have an accelerated growth rate at some point, or he might be stunted due to all the abuse, but does anyone remember if his age and the Regas' age was mentioned?

Meru21 created a topic of Wish You All the Best

So based on the wish that his mother "cast" on him, Saein was unable to release his pheromones until he liked someone. And now his pheromones are unstable and everyone can smell them.....and he's pregnant. And he's planing to either disappear or maybe he's just going to learn to control his pheromones enough to make it so he doesn't release them again. I wonder... I he falls out of love with someone, will his pheromones then cease again? Or will just that person be unable to smell them? Its rather an odd wish, because I can't tell if it's that Saein doesn't release pheromones or if he releases a type of pheromone to others when he's not in love that makes it seem like he's unscented.... very curious

Meru21 created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

I wonder if Yijae knows that Minhyuk killed N but kept him around because he couldn't handle losing him too so he suppressed the knowledge... he seems to have a habit of doing that

They both are so broken. Too bad therapists don't seem like a thing in this realm. They need one

I had an abusive mother. One who was neglectful at first, then physically, mentally, emotionally abusive and then back to neglectful. Eein is NOT that at all. She tried and thats more than many mothers out there do. Giving the child to the imperial family is whats best for him if she feels she's emotionally unable to care for the child. Not to mention that the child would have been taken from her anyway, so distancing herself was probably a mercy to the boy if he was eventually going to leave anyway. She couldn't hide him forever.
Also, Rein has extensive trauma she hasn't dealt with and,unfortunately, Wilhelm triggered that trauma in the worst way possible. Just because it doesn't amount to betrayal to you, or because it doesn't seem all that important to you doesn't mean it isn't for someone else. Have a little sympathy if you can't have empathy. Rein lost EVERYTHING in her first life and then in her second, she thought she had everything only to be betrayed by the one person she thought would never betray her. And not once, but twice, because she forgave him the first time. He literally lied as he told her he was telling her the truth when all she wanted was the truth. If that isn't enough for her to lose all trust in him, then I don't know what is. I would act the same way because of my trauma as well. I have a very visceral reaction to those I get close to betraying me. It literally tears me apart, which is why I have very few I get close to at all.
Also, I'm really bummed that Dietrich has someone else. I feel like the author didn't know how to resolve him so she did the amnesia thing. Seemed like a cop out to me. I'm glad he's alive, don't get me wrong, but I'm bummed the amnesia is sticking. I am glad to see he's happy and hasn't changed, though.
And yes, the child has done nothing wrong and he doesn't understand. Even Rein knows that. But just as betrayal cannot stop love, love cannot cure trauma. Part of me still loves my mother. But I don't love what's really her. I love the glimpses she showed me in public when she acted like my mom. At least Reinhardt is a good person. She genuinely loves the boy, you can tell, but she's haunted by him. She wants him to have a good life but knows she can't give it to him. Rather than possibly having that love turn to resentment or to further abuse him, she'd rather give him a chance for that somewhere else. Though, to be perfectly honest, I would have given the child to Dietrich and had him raise the child as his own instead and just played the doting mistress. But that would have only hurt Dietrich and Rio when the imperial family took him. . . There really is no win in this situation. There's only the lesser of the two evils.

Meru21 created a topic of Midnight Dweller

I have a horrible feeling he won't make it in time but the child will be born and thats what DR will be left with. I hope I'm wrong.

Meru21 created a topic of Under the Green Light

He actually looked his age in this chapter. It worries me.

Meru21 created a topic of Someone Like You

I don't need sides. I barely needed the latter half of this. With the side by side comparison of the beginning of the artwork and where it is now, it reaffirms my previous opinion that the artwork was so much better at the start. It looks so bland and cartoonish (yes, I know its a cartoon regardless) with those harsh black outlines and no shadowing. Overall, I feel like th author didn't know what to do with this whole story, didn't really have a plot and didn't know how to finish it. I wouldn't classify this as a slow burn or slice of life romance. It's just kind of lacking all around in a fundamental sense. Fine for a filler but not something I would recommend nor read again.

Meru21 created a topic of Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie

...or is the artwork getting worse and sloppy?

Meru21 created a topic of Into The Thrill

I think that Taeshin pretended to be Haewon, met Wujin under these circumstances, Wujin knows Haewon somehow from childhood or high school or something, and thought he was the same person and started a related with Taeshin thinking this, but found out quickly it was a lie. When he exposed Taeshin and wanted to know where the real Haewon was, Taeshin felt like he was losing everything and killed himself.
Or, we have a corrupt prosecutor and Taeshin got too close to some information and in order to protect Haewon and Wujin, he killed himself because he was being threatened.
Just speculating.

Meru21 created a topic of I Like Your Pheromones

A real shame that the first translation team didn't keep going with this. Their first 2 chapters were great

Meru21 created a topic of Crush and Burn

I banged this and I have to say that I do not like Agia. I normally love the psychologically hurt and "I need fixing" type, but not Agia. He's not terrible, but I do not like him for Ken. Not at all. I really want more Vercike and Ian. Agia, though, is a selfish and cruel man. So far, the vampire and Ian have shown far more caring towards Ken than anyone. I hope no one dies. Except Lorraine. That bitch deserves a painful death. And a bra.

Meru21 created a topic of Wet Sand

I know the author says that their friends say their tattoos don't mean anything, but most people get tattoos because they mean something or because they're a fan of something. The only time people get tattoos that don't mean anything is if they're drunk, lost a bet or already became addicted to getting tats and is filling up space. But what bothers me most is the placement of the ones drawn. They make no sense and even an artist would try and convince their canvas to switch placement if it doesn't suit. . . Anyway. This is an olay manga. I can kind see where it's going. Jo is just a blip for Ian to realize how much Scarface means to him. I doubt he'll end up with Jo.

Meru21 created a topic of I Swear I'm Not a Scammer!

Definitely a supernatural aspect to this. Just wondering if he's an incubus or vampire at this point. Maybe a demon

Meru21 created a topic of Wish You All the Best

I don't trust that old turtle.

Meru21 created a topic of I Swear I'm Not a Scammer!

The devastation on Yigang's face is something else...

Meru21 created a topic of Limited Run

The author decided to do side stories. Im wondering though if this is all some dream he's having. Lol
Goddamn, though, the author's way of drawing genitalia is divine.

Meru21 created a topic of Formless

I was in our Sunbae's position in my 20s. No debt, but my mother refused to work and as hella abusive. She kept bringing home dogs, too, which she never took care of. My little brother spent most of his time at a friend's. I did all the cooking, cleaning and worked 40+ hours a week, got paid bi-weekly and still only had 30$ and the end of each pay period, which i had to keep in my bank account in order to actually keep the account. I only ate on days I worked. I used to pass out a LOT. But it was either my dogs eat, or I eat. I chose my babies, because duh, but sometimes I could only feed them eggs. My mom, though? She was stealing my money from my bank account t and eating whatever she pleased., but I didn't find that out until later. It was all just a mess of a situation. I weighed 95lbs most of the time. My mother was also my ride because I didn't have a license (she refused to take me to get one and wouldn't lend me a car even if I did have one) and I always worked past the bases. I would go to a nearby Walmart and wait in the McDonald's there. The manager used to give me his discount and free food because he knew even without my saying so that I was flat broke. I cried the first time he did that. It was just so nice. Now, I still suffer the effects of that time because I developed hypoglycemia and a weakened immune system. Its important to eat and keep yourself nourished. And exercise!! Super important to develop that into a habit. And go to the dentist.......shit you'll regret in your 30s if you don't do them in your 20s.

Meru21 created a topic of My Father-in-Law Is My Wife

What about the dog??? Don't just leave him there in the cold!!

Meru21 created a topic of Did It Work

How terrible that his mother and brother would e selfish enough to get so upset over something so trivial. So he found ginseng? You're not entitled to it just because he's your son. If it was that important, go up and hunt some down yourselves, you selfish bastards!