Meru21's feed

I come back every month to reread the last two chapters of s2 and I'm always left feeling both surprised and not at how vulgar Wooyeon is...
I hope Inseob still tries to run away. If he does, I bet it will be one of two scenarios:
1) he goes and asks the press to help him leave without WY knowing and is rejected and then Inseob threatens him with exposing what WY did to that other actor and ruining his career. The president helps and WY disappears and WY goes ballistic.
Or 2) Inseob tries to run away on his own again, but fails miserably and is plotting his next avenue of escape when that journalist posts a very defaming article about WY using info that only Inseob had. WY finds out, feels betrayed and kicks him out. Inseob, although devastated, leaves quietly for America and WY realizes too late that Inseob had nothing to do with the article.
I hope it's the first scenario, but I have a feeling it will be the second. Although I don't know why WY would feel betrayed over losing his career. Doesn't seem like he'd give a shit either way. Either way, I can't wait until the update.... I want Inseob to break his heart so bad.