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Although I've explained before, I'll do so again. This is a story where each season is a reset of the original timeline. A redo, of sorts, for our main characters. Although they are destined to meet again and again, their choices change the outcome each time.
The first run through (1st season) of the timeline was in Aeroc's pov. We saw that he killed Raphiel and Clough took revenge on him for that. And although what Clough did went too far, in my opinion, I feel he was justified in the beginning for revenge. I mean, we have no idea what he was thinking during the first timeline. He and Raphiel very well could have been happily mated forever and Clough could have only seen Aeroc as an alpha he had attraction for. But we'll never know because Aeroc's temper tantrum and obsession got Raphiel and his unborn child killed.
Currently, in the second season, Aeroc and Clough have already died once and their timeline has been reset to before they met and we are viewing things strictly from Clough's pov. Although it's clear that Aeroc has his memories of the past run through of the timeline, Clough only has fragments and is currently passing them off as nightmares. He never hit Raphiel or abused him. His nightmares and memories are colliding and creating one hell of a cocktail of night terrors, making everything convoluted for him. (Side note: anything with a black background instead of typical white are either nightmares, memories, or fantasies Clough is having; this is standard in any webtoon.) Clough honestly has no idea what's going on with him, nor that he's been thrown back into his youth to retry his life over again. Think of it like a save in a game. A checkpoint, if you will. Aeroc and Clough are the main characters and when they die, they are sent back to the checkpoint/save as a way to try again, although who gets what data from the previous play through is random.
So, Clough, in season 2, hasn't done anything wrong. His slate is wiped clean. Just as Aeroc's is. They have yet to hurt each other. Only Aeroc has the memory of the hurt inflicted, while Clough has fragments of those memories without real knowledge or understanding of what they are. Yet. Big yet after all of that. It's all a matter of wehter or not Aeroc will make the same mistakes and lead them down that path again. It all started with him. Of course, there's no telling what all these nightmares might do to Clough. They seem to be driving him more than a little insane and he seems to have more than a passing fancy for Aeroc in this reset than the first one...
Anyway, I should have chapter 33 up in a couple days (maybe tomorrow). I'll post a brief summary in the beginning of the chapter for anyone who doesn't see this.