izzy/Cherry<3 August 27, 2023 1:04 am

any recommendations guys ToT

it can be anything i dont discriminate (☆▽☆)

izzy/Cherry<3 August 6, 2023 2:51 am

what is your favorite word in one of the languages you speak?

mine is kilikili

its tagalog and it mean armpit :D

    Absolutely Nobody August 6, 2023 3:17 am

    Basic but mine is interesting cuz it's the first English word I learnt (excluding basic ones like hello etc)

    mfxchic August 6, 2023 3:23 am

    every single word in the following sentence im being deadass:

    Matu, Matías Galetto, con doble T de trava hijo de puta, garca de mierda, chanta, mentiroso, forro. Me estás usando con esto. ¿Cómo me vas a dejar una servilleta? Hijo de puta, ¿qué te pasa? ¿No te sube oxígeno a la poronga? ¿No podés pensar? ¿Qué tenés, mierda, en la cabeza? Hijo de re mil puta. Matías, tenés un día para explicarme qué mierda es esta servilleta que me dejaste. Ya, como quieras. Mandame un mensaje, señales de humo, una paloma mensajera, lo que se te cante el ojete,

    every single thing is a ride and a WILD one at that

izzy/Cherry<3 August 1, 2023 8:00 pm

I dont really know my way around this site so i have a few questions but

Is there a specific time a manga can be on your history? Does it go away after some time?

How can i delete one specific item from history?


How can i upload scans?

thats all ty (⌒▽⌒) <3

    Cruchy_rollers August 1, 2023 8:11 pm

    Manga will be in your history once you read it, you can’t defeat your history but it will go away after some time, and I think there is an upload button or something

    DUMMY August 1, 2023 10:04 pm

    Hi as @Cruchy_rollers said there is a button. I haven't uploaded anything but when you go to spec7fic manga above the chaoters in blue it says upload manga. But if you want to add a hole new ine i have no idea. Maybe some of the uploaders can help you

    Cruchy_rollers August 1, 2023 10:33 pm
    Manga will be in your history once you read it, you can’t defeat your history but it will go away after some time, and I think there is an upload button or something Cruchy_rollers

    I meant delete not defeat lol

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