Purky created a topic of Jinx

This shit isnt even fucked up or psychological it just sucks.
This is just bad writing on the author's part.
Istg the author is just writing literal nonsense rn.
"I am sure mr jo is suffering more" he says as he has a thigh forced in his ass.
I am so curious to HOW will the author end this??
Istg if dan gets an arc for "having brain damage all along" i wont be surprised.
That man is fucking DELUSIONAL, i hate how stupid he is written. I srsly cant believe that people dare to call him doctor, jesus christ.
And we all know how sociopathic jaek is so no need to mention him
This story gives me stds, i am sorry but i cant see anyone genuinely reading this because they enjoy it (unless ofcourse they are mentally unstable)
Ps. Its so fun reading people defend the SHIT out of this comic; its as if their life depend on it. They look goofy af frfr

Purky created a topic of Jinx

So i was planning on ditching this story and save my mental health from collapsing, and i did. That was until my boyfriend told me that this story had went from 0 to 100, i told him; no wayy this story is already shit enough it cant possibly get more basic and rape-y.
Boy. was i wrong.
The sex-toy challenge was complete and they fucked in a car; called that. But the thing i didnt expect was the "possession" chapter. Thats shit was FOUL.
So yall SRSLY; want to ignore that jk showed dan's vulnerable body without consent??????
Cuz no fucking way ppl are just going to brush it off??? This shit isnt even psychological????
When i hot into i srsly expected just some problematic shit not straight up RAPE. Nuh-uh, no thank you.
And UM. Excuse me WHAT THE FUCK. When did jk fall inlove with dan??? Did i miss some chapters or sumthin?? This man is a sociopath fr. And dan LIKES HIM BACK?
This shit is basic af, but tbh good for the author; she srsly got me so off guard with the possession arc
And omg i am SOOOO surprised that heesung got rejected and now is inlove with potato!!!1!
Yeah, this should have remained dropped, this sucks and tbh boring af. Other then the rape coding (or just the sraight assualt) this plot is basic and repeated and its not worth it in my opinion. I am done fr.

Purky created a topic of My Suha

Bruh dude, this is comic is just draining at this point. God i love it so much.
This comic is taking WAYYY too long, this side story should have been finished 6 season ago, jesus christ.

Purky created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Ahhh so the dragon is not a child he just took its form.
Thank good there is no pedophilia in this, so thats out of the way; ia m so excited for the next chapter and the story is solid

Purky created a topic of My Suha

Do you know what a good redeeming arc would be? The villain realising the bs he put the main lead in and getting haunted by it.
Its isnt only lazy af to just "resolve" this by rape (writing wise) it only just makes us feel bad for HIM (the villian), and completely discards suha as a victim too. It also adds layers to how fucked up this story is. Now the author has to resolve THIS and suha's story.

We are only seeing the villian as a victim now. It eouldve been better if he somehow got confronted by suha and he then realised how much he had put him through, then we can see the red-head going through haunting thoughts and stuff. Or he could start to go insane since he lost his company and stuff.
But Noo lets just put him through the same thing suha gone through EVEN THOUGH suha has no idea he is, so he cannot get plessure out of it.

Purky created a topic of Classic BL Theater

Thid was fun, i think?
Not a fan of the pedophilia in peter pan and hook's story,
but uh. It happened?

Purky created a topic of ENNEAD

Okay this story is filled with all the fun things.
Incest, rape, sexual violence and so on, yk. My fav :D (sarcasm)
Anyways this shit is aids fr. The story is really good but it reeks.
I like how Seth in s1 was this cool ass Devine god that noone dared to cross paths with, but now in s2 he is just getting violated by everyone in existence.
I miss s1 seth so much, the sarcastic fucker who killed ppl, that persona of his is much more funner to read than the twink based act he is doing now
Anyways, everyone sucks in this story, orisis isis and horus and the beardman and the goddess of peace (i am not sure if i am writing their names correctly)
Even tho orisis is the one i hate the most between all of them, isis has a special place in my hate scale. She didnt only victim-blame seth and put ALL the blame of the whole entire thing on seth even though she knows he was peer pressured into this.
In conclusion; she sucks, orisis sucks, they all sucks. And tbh i dont even think seth has any interest in romance after all that, i mean shit. I wouldnt be after all that. So the idea of him ending up with his nephew would seem forced if it happens, unless the author writes it so?? (I dodnt think it would work too especially after he was raped by him)
Anyways, ill continue this for the sake of curiosity even tho the incest physically makes me sick, not to mention the violent rape every couple of chapters is just disgusting.
Good story tho, very captivating writing and art, and its gen intresting.

Purky created a topic of Mania

Id normally be hating on the smallest details after every comic i read, but thsis story's details just complete it so beautifully.
This story might be filled with so many toxic holes but for some reason it all just blends in perfectly together. I really dont know how to explain it.
This was such a bittersweet story, the end was just so perfect IMO.
They both have so many flaws but they decided to accept them together and live happily, and thats just an amazing way to end this story.
I really loved this, ill probably read more of this author's work.

Purky created a topic of Jinx

So am i fucked up for predicting the sex toy challenge? Or is the author just the simple definition of cliche?
This is so boring, the only thing worth talking abt in this story is the gorgeous art, nada else.

Purky created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

Istg. I cant help but remember the first chapters when rindo was just minding his business living through life and having fun, amane did help in many ways ofc but shit.
This whole relationship took a massive toll on rindo.

Purky created a topic of My Suha

Damn. This chapter or this whole side story in general makes me want to take a shower.
Jesus christ.

Purky created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

Rindo and amane; SERIOUSLY dont belong together. Their relationship is so toxic its hard to breath
Not it (the relationship) being built on nothing but rape and un-con and stalking, but they never address it AT ALL.
Idk if anyone can notice this but i think (dont quote me on this) rindo is developing anxiety.
Imagine you are dating this stalker who has severe mental issues and you have to be their therapist 24/7, rindo's whole actions revolve around amane and thats seriously is a bad situation to be apart of.
Amane in this state of life REALLY needs a long session of therapy not a boyfriend.
I like how the author compared their relationship to walking hand in hand while having a cliff behind them, but in my point of view (as a reader) everytime amane slips rindo also gets hold back.
I am not a physcartist and i am not very familiar with mental illnesses, and how they develop in people, but i am pretty sure rindo is having a hard time overthinking about every little action bcuz his ill bf might think awfully of this.

I want to talk about the girl and rindo situation.
She did an awfull thing by kissing someone who is already in the realtionship; we got that very clearly in the comments ofcourse
But i srsly cant see a single person talking about how amane reacted to this whole thing, he sexually abused rindo very badly, and poor rindo thinks since amane has a mental illness he has no right to feel bad and is talking it all on himself, the poor guy's only concern is to get the drunk girl home safe and sound, so his messed up fiance doesnt un-alive her.
Amane didnt only put rindo's and the girl's well-being in danger, he also put rindo's career and reputation on the line too.
i might be fucked up to say this, but i srsly think this whole entire thing is just so over-dramatized, its just him getting pecked on the lips while he was un-willing, this whole thing could have been solved so quickly if amane let rindo speak.
This also shows how fucked up in the head amane is, how a person like him shouldnt be in a relationship at all.
And i want to mention one more thing; amane's "love" doenst seem like love at all. He seems severely obsessed with rindo since he was the first ever person to show any kind of kindness towards him in THAT state of his life.

At the end; I just wish they'd break up, and rindo can go to a relationship counselor so he can understand the realtionship he had been apart of.
This realtionship is so damaging to both of them, (but mostly rindo)
At last; thank you for reading my **very** short rant

Purky created a topic of Demoralized Plaything

Do you know these bl comics where the author "subtly" includes digusting tropes to their comic which can (?) be tolerated. Yes this bbg of a comic isnt one of those at all
The author isnt even trying hide the fucked shit at all.
There is straight up pedophilia and coded incest with step-dad shit.
and omfg; he called him "dad" when they were having sex (or messing around; i am not really sure)
WHAT IS THIS. Nah this shit is getting dropped and stomped frfr.

Purky created a topic of My Favorite Idol

The fan service on this is CRAZY.

Kinda hoping that they end up being queer(or not) and perusing their own special someone, and NOT eachother
Someone in this comic is gay fosure, this is fruity as heeellll.
I love how this turned into gl and a bl only in the 10th chapter.

Purky created a topic of My Favorite Idol

The fan service on this is CRAZY.

Kinda hoping that they end up being queer(or not) and perusing their own special someone, and NOT eachother
Someone in this comic is gay fosure, this is fruity as heeellll.
I love how this turned into gl and a bl only in the 10th chapter.

Purky created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I cant believe some ppl hate garam more than the homophobic guy
And garam's friends gave him the shit-iest advice there is. "Fuck him still if you havent catched feelings"? WHAT. A true friend would tell him to not interact with him all together, why have sex with someone that makes you annoyed and HATES you for just likeing men?
I prescribe his friends with dignity classes and a reality check, cuz shit.
Anyways; i know its just a poorly written dialogue to keep the plot moving, if his friends actually gave him actual advice to not mingle with him it would probs mean the end of this comic
One more thing, garam is annoying as hell; my man took all the dialogue time by just complaining abt some guy's dick/being a dick.

Purky created a topic of Hardcore Vanilla

I simply love this. Consensual sm is always great; and a femdom? Even better.
One of my favs, tho there is barely any plot to talk abt, they fuck every chapter but its good nonetheless.

Purky did

38 people did   /   2 want to do

Kubz scouts. I love him; this man is so funny and so hot at the same time, i dont knoe if i should laugh or drool fr (i am sorry)

Purky created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I hope its not raising the kid to be their adult love interest, cuz ew.
And that guy seems familiar but i have no idea in what chapter i saw him.
But anyways; i understood nada from this chapter.
PLEASE. If your english is bad; dont translate.

Purky created a topic of Sex Complex CG TOON

This was awfully bad; it made me laugh
The repeated pannels and fanfic writing was AWFUL, but to be fair it was kinda funny.