Is this comic just rage bait or am i going crazy?
So lets get this straight,
the mc has an incestuous relationship with his cousin who is somewhat abusive (emotionally and sexually) at times. The mc develops feeling for a highschool students he's tutoring (pedo-fucking-philia) and cheats on his cousin with him after confessing.
Well that whole confessing shebangbang doesnt matter at all since the mc cheats AGAIN on his student-lover with his cousin bcuz i dunno?? Boredom??
The student come back and guess what!!1!! The mc cheats AGAIN he cheats on his cousin boyfriend, and he moves out and dates the lil kid full time.
Anyways, The cousin gets married (still VERY confused on why he did that) and stuff are seeming to get back to normal(if you can even call whatever this is "normal"), but dang oh no. The plot thickens!!1! The mc cheats again
Srsly tho, every character in this story is so unlikeable
And what the hell is that ending?? He just left??? Like damn bro, dramatic much? You've done this 6 times already, dont act like you've grown a conscious.
And the ending was so outta the author's ass that im not even that curious to know why he did that or what is inside those letters
Anyways this was very confusing and infuriating to read.