Purky created a topic of No Returns After Use

I could've continued my life blissfully ignorant, unaware of the existence of this comic, but here we are.

Purky created a topic of MoonStruck

The tv girl cover is the only good thing about the last story

Purky created a topic of My Brother's Lover

Im normally on a hating streak, but goddamn this comic is amazing, its not the best out there by any means, but its genuinely so good at capturing what the character is feeling or thinking.
I can easily sense how empty won feels and how anxious and insecure jinha is.
Very good, 10/10, give me 14 if them rn

Purky created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

"what... is this feeling...?" Im jumping.

I hope their inbreeding asses get caught and arrested cuz jesus christ im so over this story

Purky created a topic of Lucky Paradise

"Its my fault for having a killer asshole"
*Finger snapping* tell em sister

Purky created a topic of Man With Ghosts

This story is so bi-coded i fw it so hard

Purky like topic of Man With Ghosts

They are so hot and gorgeous I literally felt my asexuality leaving my body.

Purky created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

He has to thank the gods this isn't set in highschool, this theater kid looking ahh would've been bullied relentlessly.

Hes so intense and weird and this is coming from an ex theater kid btw

Purky created a topic of Boss Bitch Baby

Idk if i should be focusing on the bestiality part or on the Spider-Man no way home part

Purky created a topic of No Returns After Use

"he punched me and it felt like a kiss " ahh comic

Purky created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

get this Urolagnia shit outta of my face

Purky like topic of A Tree Without Roots

Mandatory piss kink chapter

Purky created a topic of December

This was so awkward i couldn't take it anymore
I stopped at chapter 11, it was so slow paced, awkward, and dry.
id genuinely rather read 50 shades of grey until my lips fall off than finish this im sorry

Someone said they miss their ex bcuz the ml's penini looks like his

Purky created a topic of Thirst

What that mouth do?
The mouths are so silly looking

Lowkey Missing the actors plot, this whole family tree shenanigan is both so confusing and disgusting
Why did the twink vampire get in the picture?
Not to mention dude has a whole Stockholm syndrome thing goin on with him

Purky created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

Did bro just laugh at that man's dead wife?

Purky created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Congrats you just got love bombed!

Not given the space and time to grief? Hes here for you! You dont need to grief bcuz grief is bad!!
UnConditional love and financial support? Just wait until it becomes conditional, all your emotions that you unconsciously kept inside will bubble up and fuck you up so good you wont be able to get out of bed.

Seriously tho, Grief is a natural thing that is bound to happen, and grieving the loss you just experienced is much better that letting it fester and grow into a monster with teeth.

This isn't him being lovely and kind it's him being manipulative and trying his best for the mc to fully depend on him (both emotionally financially and physically) by becoming the only one in his life. His only family, friend, and financial supporter.

When the love ends (which will, because it's born conditional) he will stop perceiving the mc for a while only to then start feeding him little ounces of love whenever he does something "good"

Like how a drug dealer gives you a freebie of heroin at first to get you addicted and when you run out you go to him and buy for the first time.

Purky created a topic of Boss Bitch Baby

The boss dude is the most vile piece of shit ive ever seen
Hes just a straight up asshole, i mean good for him? Hes living up to the title

Purky created a topic of No Returns After Use

There is no way someone can be this stupid, he HAS to be acting.
Please be an actual genius that would be so funny