Purky created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Wow they fucked.
Anyways, y'all want anything from walmart?

Purky created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Theyve done this "inscurity bullshit" so many times i feel as if i am watching the same episode over and over again.
I am sorry to be that guy; but can yall stop yapping and just fuck already?

Purky created a topic of Lucky Paradise

We watched this fight so many times we can recite it word by word
We get it, he feels pain bcuz he cheated, Awesome! Can we PLEASE move on or go to therapy???
I am so done with this shit story telling, lets have the side couple now please?

Purky created a topic of One's In-Laws Virgins

Jesus christ that woman has BOOBS.
Bro has hills on hills
Anyways ill read it and then make fun of it whne i am done :D

Purky created a topic of Jinx

What a cute little special, i am sure the comic itself is just as wholesome :3

Purky created a topic of Work Love Balance

Okay. Lets get this straight, the 38 y/o basically told his boyfriend that he doesnt take him srsly bcuz he is young and will move on to like someone else younger, and now said boyfriend is considering CHEATING on the director with this randome guy he met at a cafe (unless he broke up with the director) and now we are left with this dusty crusty ass cliffhanger??
Excuse my french, but WHAT?!

Purky created a topic of On or Off

I got alot of scond hand embarrasment through out this comic, not because its bad, but becuase it was so cutely corny.
I had to set my phone down so many times and squeel through some of these moments
I was full on kicking my feet up and shit
Though, I really liked this dumb cute story.
Very wholesome and fluffy, kind of shit i would eat up instantly. (And ate up i did)
Not to mention the art. Ugh, this style is so addictive, really calming and enjoyable.
And the chacracters are so well written and nice. Their interactions are so balanced (and a really nice change from all the toxic interactions i am used to seeing with bl comics mcs these days )

Overall a sweet comic to read in your free time :D def would recommend.

Purky created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Communication. Ugh, i love it.
This chapter is brainwashing me so hard, i almost have amnesia and am forgetting all the past chapters.

Tho. PLEASE authors, for the love of god, stop making your character kiss eachother in their sleep without any form of consent
It genly is so off-putting and cringe,

Purky created a topic of Jinx

I cant believe you cotton-candy, i fought for you1!! I fought for that man...
The comments i made headcanon-ing your character and you turn out just another replica.
WHY COULDNT YOU JUST BE A SIMP?! Is it too much to ask for characters to like each other??? And why the hell does potato have no braincells??? He literally has the intellect of a potato. Jesus.
And, are we really suprised that this "love" started out with a romantic sa session? As vulgar as that sounds; but god, the author REALLY needs to get a new plot point, its getting fucking annoying and honestly; lazy as fuck.
WE GET IT. You like seeing men get raped, its part of your "quirky" writing, afterall the author just has a little quirk for liking "tOxiC mEn" with really BLAND, let me repeat; B L A N D characters.
Bro could've gone the author route and made the side couple atlest readable, but yet again she made a duplicant of the main couple but in a diffrent font. Yay. I am so proud.

Anyways; kirby broke me with this one; and i cant emphasis enough how THIS was not a bangar, but alas i will move on from this, i will grow. I shall forget pinkie pie...
But i am telling my therapist about this. There will be crying involved, you pained me rose from steven universe, you really did.

Purky created a topic of Waterside Night

I have 4 chapters just waiting to be read.
But i am genuinely too scared to open them, i feel so nasty while reading this comic

I think dropping this would be the right thing rn cuz i cant bear reading another chapter where the omega dude gets mistreated again.

I learned that i am SRSLY not a fan of omegaverse comics (probs due to this comic and the "love is an illusion" one)

its probably for the better to run away from anything that relates to this genre, just so i can preserve my sanity.

Purky created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I am embarrassed to say but this comic won me over again.
I mean tbh itis kinda cute
"Had a me kicking my feet" up kind of cute
Good job author, you did well (even tho the "yaoi comic" bar is low af )

Purky created a topic of Strap-on Girl and Bitch Boy

Btw women are WAY scarier in bed. Just sayin

Purky created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Porn. Simply. Just porn.
This will be my only time commenting on this, bcause why??

Purky created a topic of Don't Delete

Waste of my time tbh, another goofy ahh "taking advantage of a drunk" comic

Purky created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Wlw and mlm solidarity is the best.

And also that was hot af (not sorry and never will be)

Purky created a topic of Jinx

"If season 1 is plot-driven then season 2 is going going to be about feelings"
The author said with so much confidence I almost forgot we were reading jinx.
Srsy tho are we reading the same comic or what?
Istg This comic is so plot-hole-ly I am developing a Trypophobia,
Omg tho, the way the author explained why this comic is so shit cracked me
"I just like toxic top uwu" we all do. Believe me, they're entertaining as hell, but putting "toxic" over literal garbage writing is just uncalled for.
At least now we know why Dan is so delusional, he got it from the author who somehow truly believes that this shitshow is the next Kardashians

Purky created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I swear to God, amnesia was created just so authors can torture the readers with a "I forgor my pookie" twist

Purky created a topic of Lucky Paradise

The comments are either wanting the black-head to top, or hating the shit out of himself. There is no in-between.

Purky created a topic of Can't Think Straight

How to make a gay guy not mad at you?
Easy! Take us to a drag queen show, it always works! :D
Srsly tho this comic is so funny; and the cliffhanger is so worth it. Not gonna spoil it for myself tho.

Purky created a topic of Waterside Night

Why do shitty chaarcters have to be so hot?