So. Likewise i hate the red haired dude since he is an abuser and much more, simply he sucks; we can all agree on that since th author themselves said that this character is meant to be shit on.
Now siwoo; i actually liked this character (past tense) he was sweet always there for the ml and a really good supportive friend. even tho imo its an annoying trope to always give to a side character i apperciate siwoo being like that for the ml.
BUT. The side story completely ruined him, first; the author made him toxic, he sexually abused someone (the red hair deserves it since he is a rapist too but like they ruined a good character to do so)
They gave him traits that really annoyed the shit out of me; cuz i had a totally diffrent idea of him and the author then changes it completely.
Siwoo is now fucking the suha's past rapist; his past ex boyfriend; his (probably) first lover.
Suha really TRUST siwoo with all his heart; and if he saw that his best friend is **knowingly** fucking his past aggressor what would he feel? Cuz if it was me in that situation id feel as if my whole life is crumbling beneath me; how can someoen pleasure their bestfriend's abusive ex? And the sad part they end up together, and if they did what will happen next? Siwoo would have to tell suha about his bf and yadda yadda yadda.
This side story is completely toxic but in a way; i enjoy it actually. Its something about toxic x toxic that is so fun (only in fiction)
My only problem is that the red boy is suha's ex abuser and siwoo is his best friend.
This is a big betrayal coming from siwoo tbh. Poor suha.

This will be long.
Dan is in a space right now where his whole life is crumbling around him, his only family member that he loves so genuinely is on her death bed and he is facing that information with the knowledge that she will most likely die, her treatment is his entire paycheck so his physical health is at stake, (he probably cant eat helathy or clothe himself right due to that) that can be so damaging for anyone, feeling left out from everything adults are having. And he has no right to feel bad or left out (in his mind) since he will look like a dick for blaming his grandma for being sick or having treatment that is financially demanding.
Other than that; this man got sexually assaulted by a man he idolized (his boss or wtvs he is) that can be insanely traumatic, and other than that, he got victim blamed and getting called a liar and got kicked out from his well-paid job (?)
The man now lives in a small apartment that cant fit a full grown man and has to endure being assaulted by shark loans every once in a while.
This man after a while of being jobless, gets his hand on an okay job where he can finally help his poor granny get better and get his life in check. Surprise surprise! Another hole. This man gets raped (or fucked so you wont send me death threats) very violently and gets treated like a slut by a very aggressive man, which then also decreases his self-worth/conference. He then signs (like a dumbass) a contract ;that is probs illegal; that basically says that his body belongs to the other ml. This then forces the idea that he has not a single say to his own body.
His physical health slowly but surely decrease as he has to do physical labor both day and night. Other than that, his poor asshole dude.
After all that, this dude gets beaten up by the shark loans yada yada yada. Gets raped agian even tho he is injured; passes out since he is fucking tired; gets sick. Then finaly gets sexaully assaulted by the shark loans and gets saved by his abuser (which again increases the idea that he has dibs on his body)
At some point, the ego-man (without asking) visits dan's grandma which paints him in a light that he is an angel (which again makes dan thinks that he has no right to his body)
Dan moves in to said ego-man where he can see hoe he is a lowlife compared to big-dick and gets more anxious on saying no in sex.
Dan then gets beaten up by the ego-filled man in a ring (dan wins at something!! Fucking finally!!) And then gets drowned (almost) and he has to endure the insults of being called "not a man" whenever he cries when that leg enters him (whenever they have sex btw)
This man is really postponing his break down, this shit has to happen at some point.
He is so mentally strong, its insane to me. Lets all make a "go-fund-me" for dan so he can get therapy ASAP!!

I loved the ending but i couldnt help but notice that it felt rushed.
The whole time i was reading the last 3 chapters i thought there were more and it was actually not completed. But nonetheless it was great, healthy, and nice.
But i dont want to mention i hate how yujin was ended like that? He never confessed, they never had a major arc where he tells the ml and ml says no and yada yada yada. I
And omg the banner on tappytoon was so misleading i thought theyll all end together (which wouldve been cute) but eh.
Id say it was quite a nice ride, i enjoyed it alot and please support the artist :)

So ppl are into this rape bs? Doc dan is in a hot spot where he has no money, no home, no family and his only family member is on her death bed.
He has no choice but to accept the dick money from the boxer guy. Istg poor dude isn't even into it????? And even if he is taking the money, this is RAPE. Repeat with me; R. A. P. E.
The boxer guy is a rapist and even if he gets his "redemption arc" and he truly becomes a better person i will be so fucking mad if doc dan accepts it after **28** chapters of him humiliating/raping him.
I am so ready to give up on this shitty comic, but ill stay for only one reason; i want to see this man have a redemption arc and get spit on by dan. (Pretty sure that would not happen)
For god sake i though AJ alex was too much; does the writer have a kink for rape or sumthin?

"Does the writer have a kink for rape or sumthin?" That's pretty obvious at this point. Almost every BL writer uses rape to start romance, some bs like "oh i can't live without his dick!". Reading the story they probably don't realized that shit is rape bc it's so normalized in BL stories, they don't even bother to make the bottom feel bad about it, maybe a "oh he's really horrible to me, I don't want to forgive him" but no, the writer simply make the bottom brush it off like it's some sort of light event, then haha happy happy lovely dovey the fucking end. It's seriously so messed up. If you're going to use rape as a plot, then as well make it decent and original unlike whatever this bs is.
Okay let's unpack this chapter.
My point is proven again. Dan is insanely afraid of jae's judgement; he cant express himself or oppose any of his ideas since he is afraid to get hit/or wtvs other reason there is. After unnecessary peer pressure from jae; dan expresses a huge problem in their sex-relationship which is **protection** he give off an excuse which is being uncomfortable whenever jae does the deed in his ass.
And omfg do i think jae is a dumb hoe. Bro really said "you wouldnt get pregnant" to a man
And other than that; HIV??? Sex-diseases?? (Raws can lead to HIV-1 and HIV-2 which ends us with AIDS) and lets be honest; doenst jae already have all these diseases since he is an open slut?
And why tf didnt dan just pull the disease card for him to use a condom? Isnt he a doctor, or since he is a bottom that doenst matter? (jae wouldve said no too imo)
And jae is such a self-centered peice of shit, he doenst give two flying fucks if dan is uncomfortable or not (we got that across long ago but still) he only wnats a hole only, (i mean at this point just get a sex toy dude.)
Okay lets take a different approach; lets say those diseases dont exist in this world (which i think is VERY dumb and lazy; it makes the adults look childish and irresponsible) the excuse dan gave was solid, he didnt have to even give an excuse; its his body and his choice how the sex goes. And tbh if dan does all the work to clean himself up (which he deosnt like) the least jae could do is be an adult and wear a condom.
Okay we are not quite done with the sex ed yet.
I am a gay man; and i have never came across a man that can get off from only his nips (from only his ass too) and especially if they are an inexperienced person like dan; i mean if dan was in a romantic relationship with jae; it might work? (Most unlikely) but jae is humiliating him, raping him and dan has no positive or sexy thoughts to stimulate ejaculating (they didnt show us any thoughts too) so it really makes no sense that inexperienced (probs not gay) man like dan can fully ejaculate from nipple play
Id like to add one more thing; men dont normally have sensitive nipples; (and if they did it wont lead to cumming) so dan having them is such a cliche thing to have. (Nipple play is mostly use to give an over-stimulation, not to fully amke someone ejaculate, thats unrealistic af and really stupid)
Now that we are done with the sex ed; lets take about the minor details. Some ppl are saying that jae was jealous when dan mentioned potato. I dont believe so; it mostly look/feel like as if his tower of power has been shaken. You see, jae sees dan as his sex toy and him seeing his sex toy having feelings and forming ideas and friendships is weird to him. Jae cant see people as individuals, He sees them as something that can help/assist him, since he is a narc.
Now the new character; i have two theories. He wants to fight jae for the championship and he falls inlove with dan and tries to win him over *OR* he was jae's ex and he wants to get him back. (Either by fucking him or fucking him up)
In conclusion this new character is only here to make Someone jealous; (i truly hope it isnt dan)
Someone said that the new character looks like dan; which i agree to. It makes me think that either jae has a type for blonde twink men *OR* that he misses his ex alot and he dated dan since he looks like him.
Okay one more last thing and ill kindly leave; two sex chapters??? dude we want a PLOT. This deadass is a porn comic, the only thing we got out of this chapter was that jae wears glasses; he has trouble sleeping; that he sometimes watches B&W porn when he cant sleep.
We got a new character (which ill make the fight, that he is equally toxic)
In conclusion, this comic is making me lose hope in humanity. And tbh every charcter in this comic is shallow af, they dont feel like real ppl (there is no appeal to continue reading this dumpster fire)
We are all out here waiting for ANYONE to be interesting. Dan is lame. Jae is an asshole. And the new guy is pretty. End of story.
Literally every thought I had. For me personally what would make the story more interesting is Jae jackass losing his title as champion and going into a new arc in the story. Would like him to kinda break down.
I couldn´t have formulated it better. I ranked this story 2 stars, simply because the artstyle is good. Idk why i keep reading bc it really sucks, maybe i have hope that it could get better? But honestly even if it does, the start is too fucked up so it wouldn´t change a thing.
And I agree with the nipple play, it´s ridiculous. Nobody can come just from that, it feels good ok but to come? Lmao
Have no arguments about the protection.
Comment is fot the nips causing orgasm. It is highly possible.. as a very kinky person, I've seen and heard people cumming from non sexual activities. I, for example, orgasms during my regular waxing session. Especially when getting Brazilian wax
Have no arguments about the protection.
Comment is fot the nips causing orgasm. It is highly possible.. as a very kinky person, I've seen and heard people cumming from non sexual activities. I, for example, orgasms during my regular waxing session. Especially when getting Brazilian wax.
Sir, thanks to this comic, I’m in physical and mental pain
So, I agree in everything single thing with you
I cant totally see your point, youre totally right but iam talking about dan who isnt even intrested in sex so he isnt kinky. But yeah youre right, thank you for the correction.
Can you chilllll with the PLOT thing? This book is slow paced(obviously) you can't just expect development immediately, I mean look at the characters and their personalities. In my opinion, this book will probably pass 100 chapters and mingwa is doing a very good job in making it this slow-paced. You can't expect the plot to transpire instantly, or feelings to pop out of no where suddenly. It starts from somewhere you know. And besides, if you want to start seeing a PLOT I feel the book won't be that much interesting tbvh. Let's remain calm and go with the flow.
Also I don't agree with you saying jk is a rapist (he isn't fcs). You can't really identify what he did with dan as RAPE. Stop calling it rape. Check your dic please. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Is this your first time reading a bl manhwa??? ( ̄へ ̄)
Okay what now? "You cant expect development immediately" ofc that is true but you missed my point; the characters are SHALLOW. They are boring, stereotypical and hard to watch, its not about the "slow-pace" at all.
And again; this isnt even slow paced its standing still without moving? We had two sex episodes back to back; thats not a plot. I dont see personality from either of them, they dont have depth. I cant see them as individuals and when something like that isnt seen in a book/comic it gets boring.
And "can you chill with the plot"? What am i supposed to criticise then? Their sex scenes? A story is a PLOT. And a smut story needs a plot to be intresting, the only reason a smut story is considered a story bcuz it give depth to the characters which makes the intercourse scenes fun and exciting. This comic feels like a porno; and we have a whole hub for that.
You thought you did something did you huh? Girl i am gay myself and i read a fair share of bl manhwa to understand a good plot when i see one. And girlie this one just ISNT IT.
It´s not slow paced. It´s lazy(bad) writing. A story is supposed to be interesting from start to finish, you shouldn´t even need to find it excuses. It feels like naruto fillers except it´s smut, like cmon i think YOU are the one with very little reading experience.
And btw Jk IS a rapist. How many times has the protagonist said they were enjoying the sex? 0 if i recall correctly. How many times was he forced into it? Every fkn time. You have your answer.
Rape isn´t just a violent guy threatening you in a back alley you know? As soon as someone says they´re scared, that they feel pain or just "wait" and the other person doesn´t stop: that´s rape. But it´s so normalized in yaois that you don´t even recognize it anymore.
Lol the characters are shallow, boring, stereotypical and hard to watch to YOU(Be specific!). You definitely do not understand, do you? Them having too much sex is part of the plot boyie... You don't even understand how a plot goes because if you do, you won't be saying this lol XD. Depth? You don't see them as individuals? Mehn you do know there are many people like Dan and jk in real life. Are you even on earth?
Feel free to criticize because I can see that's what you're best at doing. A story is a PLOT obviously and sex can be part of IT. I'm still wondering if this is your first bl manhwa because you're so unto hating this story like. I feel you should find a story fitting for you because you keep on complaining. Relax boyie...
Oh and this; “ the only thing we got out of this chapter was that jae wears glasses; he has trouble sleeping; that he sometimes watches B&W porn when he cant sleep.” it's so obvious you hate jk( I mean everyone hates him for being a red flag) but yours is sooo excessive. We got so many information from this chapter, what are you even reading?
Wow omg you're gay!!! Don't care. You can be gay and still not read that much manhwa. If you can't read the book why don't you just STOP? It's that simple. Just admit you want to see the character development like everyone else. The excess hate is so unnecessary at this point like boyyy chillllllll(≧∀≦)
Oxford definition: the crime of forcing somebody to have sex when they are not able to agree to it.
You can't refer what jk did to dan as RAPE. Get the point!
Oh and about the so called bad writing you talked about, I totally disagree with you. It seems you're into romance, that's so cute but the story ISN’T for YOU at all. Please, omg, this story is not only about romance. DID you even read the Sypnosis? My Gosh!
Dan is in no position to refuse sex. I won´t argue with a child any longer. If you can´t understand that he has a monetary hold on Dan(he literally paid off all of his debts and his grandma´s treatments), then you are rly dumb. If he refuses him sex he will literally have to reimburse every single penny, which he can´t cuz he´s poor. What don´t you understand? They literally signed a fucking contract. You´re really dense
I mean what did you even expect? The clichè love romantic bl stories you've only read. Go read a story more of your type please. You're just hating for no good reason, Hilarious XD
Ohh one more thing, IT IS SLOW-PACED.(obviously)
Oh honey i´m not hating, just being lucid here. And if you take a look at my lists you´ll see i don´t read only romance LMAO. It might make you understand that with how many stories i´ve read maybe i´m onto something? But keep sucking the author´s dick maybe you'll be featured in the next chapter haha
Lol it's the fact you assumed that I'm a child. Anyways, yes, they signed a contract but you do you know jk gave him a choice to leave or stay. He even lied that he was experienced!!! He decided to stay, he gave CONSENT, so therefore you can't refer it as RAPE.
Chill girl/boy....
Cursing are we? I see I see. This just proves how much you're hating. And also thank goodness you're not only reading Romance, if then, stop doing as if this is the only bl that's like this. Y’all are so confusing fr
Also, I'll gladly suck the author’s dick;) He/she's doing a good job fr(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Sex can NOT be a plot. Wtf are you on? Its like going to porn and watching step sister lore and saying it has a good plot story
Get a grip.
You say i am overreacting and that i need to chill but girlie you just sound so mad at me and my opinion
I do not care if you enjoy it but i simply dont. And they way you cant accept that says alot about you.
And "Youre waiting for development like everyone else" you said it yourself? There is no development going on at all which makes the story so annoying to read. And "we learned so much from this chapter" what did we learn huh? If you tell me i might understand.
This story is Lazy af and if you enjoy such story do you really read good manhwas? Or do you just read them for the smut? Ask yourself that. You have no experience with any good stories or anything.
And WHAT. There might be ppl in this life that ahve the similar traits as the two ml, but NOONE is exactly like them. They are shallow with no depth no human bring id like that.
And last jae raped dan. And you saying they arent just disgusts me. You arent only excusing other ppl eho ent through similar stuff, but youre feeding your nasty kink of romanticizing rape. Get hrlp ASAP
Reading your comments you seem like a troll or even a child. Please get off this comic, its not your age. I wont be replying to you any longer sorry
You draw the line at cursing but rape is fine? Anyway if you can´t understand that reading a piece of media doesn´t mean that you agree with it or that it aligns with your morals then i can´t do more for you. Not my business.
Doesn´t change the fact that this manhwa has trash plot, if we can even call it that
“SEX can NOT be a plot” then how about you go compose a story for yourself, hmm? Like you could, Hilarious XD
Sex is very much expected in this manhwa, I mean jk has a strong sex drive, you wouldn't foresee less, please darling. You can't envision development immediately...are you even studying the characters? You expect a narc like jk to suddenly start being the good guy? Boy...get out of your delulu era.
You're asking me what you learned from the chapter? It's just so obvious at this point. You just want to hate on this manhwa for no specific reason. Do you think I enjoy how jk treats Dan? No one does, but we all are anticipating how things are gonna turn out. Tbh I want to see jk get penalized for treating Dan in such an abusive way( which is not rape!)
*you can't change my opinion.*
Boyiee...nobody is romanticizing rape. You're just saying this because a lot of us don't believe what jk did to Dan is rape. Dan was literally given an option to LEAVE or STAY(read the chapter again), he even lied that he was experienced lol and jk specifically said “Since you're experienced I guess I don't need to go easy on you then.” meaning this is how he treats all his sex partners. Jk lacks decency which the author has obviously shown us. But you can't say it's RAPE( maybe they're similar in little ways but it isn't RAPE).
Bro, do you know what rape is? Rape is moreeee extreme than what happened in this manhwa, please chill.
If you're calling this manhwa LAZY, that means you clearly didn't read the synopsis because this is exactly how the story is supposed to go.
I hope you don't, you're rather boring or uneducated at this point. Funny how you assumed I was a child just because I couldn't agree with you. Hilarious...
You're the child for assuming such.
I hope we don't talk again ;)
Farewell my dear, I can't do more to change your whack mentality. Educate yourself more. ;)
Cope bbg.
And "try writing one yourself" is such a middle schooler reply
Your rage is showing, id consider therapy and watching/reading stuff your age.
Lol, you literally said you weren't gonna reply this proves that you're butt-hurt.
Thanks for the shitty advice, I'd also consider you go back to middle-school, maybe, just maybe you could understand my point of view(because I do understand yours but it’s invalid).
Farewell my dear♡.
Why are so many of your takes so good lol
Thanks for the complement, i am mostly bored all the time so i watch commentary videos on shows and comics, i picked up the way they think and talk and i use it hear.
I am happy you find my takes intresting :D