Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to hottops
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks
Tanpopo like the answer
a weird one for me in terms of yaoi's leaving an impact on me is blood link. there is a specific scene with specific characters at certain point in the book. and for some incomprehensible reason to me, a reason i will never understand, this mundane scene burrowed its way deep into my soul. such that for 5 whole years now since i first read it, ever......
Tanpopo created a topic of Waterside Night

thanks for spoilers guys... but it's no surprise this happened (if it actually happened we didn't fucking read that yet!!!) what's surprising is that there were SO many people here having a baby fever and now it's people saying completely different things.
it's painful either way for our characters, especially for euihyun when it's family-related. i just hope the author'll make them sort things out so MCs will really releave their burdens and find happiness FINALLY.

Tanpopo created a topic of You Make It Too Easy

i didn't really enjoy the story but ohhhh the art i just come here sometimes just to look at them

Tanpopo add 1 photos to dorks

they are sooooooooo cute

Tanpopo add 1 photos to hottops
Tanpopo add 1 photos to hottops
Tanpopo add 1 photos to so hot,

the last panel oh my god

Tanpopo created a topic of Fight Club

i don't understand what's happened really

i came for the title because erm relatable but i gather it's not about it right?(⊙…⊙ )