Yuki ending up.... i don't know who I want Yuki to end up with... and one hand she obviously likes takaya but he according to him he only has eyes for Haruka... which I feel like isn't exactly all the true... I have a feeling that he cares for Yuki too. I think he was more honest as a child... where did that cute kid go.. I just don't wanna give up on him completely.. I do thing he need a good slap on the face because he deserve it right now.
As for Akira.. I also like him a lot. He's such a sweetie and obviously the only one in his eyes in Yuki... I kinda wanna see her end u pwith Akira as well......
I lovvvvvvve this series!1 the brotherly bond, the developement of the story. I must say it was so well done despite only being five chapter.. The only thing that I wish was that the mother remember her son at the end. that's just not right to me..
okay. i just reread it.. I was smiling and crying like an idiot at the end....