I've died nearly three times in my short 15 years. The first I nearly got ran over by a car when I was seven,luckily the driver stopped in time. Never crossing the road without holding Granny's hand again. The second time my house caught on fire,everyone rushed out but I was still asleep. Grandpa to the rescue to save dumbass nine year old me. Ha......
Adults aren't always right, adults don't always know the answer, adults can and do take advantage of younger people. Don't be afraid to speak up if there's something going on that feels bad and wrong. Question everything everyone tells you and find facts to back it up to form your own opinions. It's okay to show emotion, be it anger, sadness, or fe......
All these answers seem so..instagram picture perfect to me haha, i'm 27 and can say that life just is what it is, advice? do what you want to do and what you enjoy as long as you aren't hurting others or yourself then go with it. And a moment on love...if you are under 20 (i honestly think this about anyone under 30 though) and are commiserating ab......
when my colleagues or family ask "does your son have a girlfriend? ", and I say "no", and they "oh, he'll find the right girl in the right time, he should settle down" and me "yeah, yeah".... ... My son is gay.
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