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Medusa created a topic of Non Zero Sum

*spoilers* - again, this is a condensed version. Obviously a lot more happens, but you get the overall gist. MC just doesn’t have anything good going for him in this story.

Surprise surprise, what do we have here?
MC is basically tormented and constantly assaulted over and over again for pretty much the entire story. He “escapes” again at one point but Haeyoung finds him. It’s going to be a while before you see anything remotely “happy” happen. Haeyoung sometimes has delusions and even hallucinations at times which causes him to harm himself as well. At the end, both MC and Haeyoung confess their love for one another and Haeyoung apologizes for not realizing his own feelings sooner. That’s it. That’s how the main story ends.

In the side story, years pass and they are still together. For the most part they have a “normal” relationship. Haeyoung still has violent thoughts and desires but holds them back. MC slowly gets better but is obviously still dealing with severe trauma, which is shown when he has breakdowns when something triggers him. Although Haeyoung isn’t SA or physically abusing MC anymore, he is still quite controlling as in the chapters we have seen already and gets jealous extremely quickly over the smallest things.