man fuck the brother
theres nothing wrong with having feelings for a person who happens to be your little brother's gf like okay that happens and that sucks bc it's not something he can control but??? actively pursuing her??? when he knows she's dating HIS younger brother???? that's so selfish and fucked up

this is starting to make so much more sense as to why taeyi was so drawn to seheon in the first place!!! taeyi felt like seheon played the same way his brother did.
seheons father taught him how to play piano and im gonna bet that he was also taejun's prof in university too
also seheon mentions that his dad is still sad even after left him and and his mom so im guessing??? its because taejun died???
idk much about spoilers but this is a guess so it might be completely wrong sjfjdnfjf
clearly mcqueen is pining with how he grabbed ed for a kiss when his mouth got cum in it... true love