Jax created a topic of Jinx

Dan. You don't know the level of pity I have for you. I just feel your pain but let's watch our champion work his shit to win doc, I just know the idiot would get jealous, falls in love and get hurt when his feelings are not reciprocated. He better work harder than this cuz if I was doc, bro you'd cry some blood before I even look your way.

Jax created a topic of Gig of the Day

I haven't finished this last chapter yet, but when I saw daddy's black card, it is pass 4 in the morning and I'm more happy for this dude's life more than mine. Seme should just employ him and make him stay inside the house. Please take care of this cute hard working uke.

Jax created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

I can't anymore! Somebody! Anybody! Throw me a fckin' bat, cuz it's about to get bloody raining when I'm done with this mad man. He's insane in another dimension of insanity.

Jax created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Ah yes! I see Aeroc giving birth to all the kids in year if they continue this kind of fckin'. after this if he's not pregnant then Kloff needs a dck check with his doc.

Jax created a topic of The Duke Wants to Have an Heir

The way I'm seeing it, he's gonna give birth to all the men's children he's slept with, the prince is just the opening. Then just imagine he gives birth to the carbon copy of the prince. I won't even say shit if it was me, your bringing your clit and my son home.

Jax created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

I won't be shock if he up and make the uke the queen, this bra has no limitations to his madness. Bra in less then a year he will kill everyone in his country if you so much as say the wrong thing to his love or even look his lover the wrong way. Bro is crazy.

Jax created a topic of Love and Roll

Yo, you people be holding the true from me, nobody told me I had to just turn my ass to my crush poster and masturbate, no wonder I'm still single. Jonathan you better come look for me after I'm done with this ritual. Cuz wtf!.

Jax created a topic of Jinx

Fluffy ears bro finally got the shock on his face, the fact that he can show a shocking face instead of his "arrogant I know it all, gat the face and money" kinda face still brings a good laugh out of me. He should be on his knees with his forehead on the floor crying with leaking nose. Bra... he should come like someone that lost his both hands just to ask for forgiveness.

Jax created a topic of Take Off (Jui)

Bra I know this kinda love, you see Nathan is that kinda bra that has gone through love and hurt phase and can handle him, of course he has every right to walk away from a relationship if he feels like it's not working for him. But where I gat a walking problem is seeing both of them already in love and he's not helping the poor youngster to make things easy for him.

And you see people like Nathan they will tell you to fall out of love for them but still expect the attention you used to give to them. Just watch it, if Andrew gives up the chase and finally wants to move on, that's when Nathan would realize his feeling, realize he's losing someone special when he see Andrew with someone else....thing is Andrew should give him what he wants. Let him go nd if he's for him, he might come around eventually.

Jax created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

No...you people thought I was defending the ML last time I said this bro was going through trauma even the MC can't understand, uke just up and removed the fuckin bite mark, shit is even worse knowing the ML allowed himself play the experiment rat just so his son doesn't have to go through what he did. Uke just wanted to hear "I love you too" while he was expecting that, he wasn't taking notes of the ML actions. That dude might not buy you flowers and preach about his love, but his actions were speaking for him especially how he loves his son. So maybe it's good let them stay apart, let uke finally realize who was suffering more and was just happily doing it. And seme should have taken care of his father, I pray the anger of all this pushes him to disconnect from the father. Or the father just up and dies. Cuz he deserves it more than any one else, your own son is now a lab rat for your entertainment, just so you can get a few more dollars and have your name on the top. Worse b*tch ass father in the history of time.

Jax created a topic of Profundis

Bra I didn't even know why I postponed this till now. The action here is enough to make an anime without the fckin' part I mean. Bra why can't they all just get the guilding without involving their dcks, plus all of them are catching feelings one way or the other with the uke. I would have said fivesome would be awesome but bra the none of them were very nice with his hole from the start. So might just leave commander to own the hole after all.

Jax created a topic of Jinx

No no no, it's to early to find uke, to early. Jaekyung needs those eyes mascara and eye pencil really black till he's blind because heaven knows this pride can build the walls of china all over again, dude should suffer till one of his balls grow a flower for the bees to milk on it. He deserves this and more, with his elephant ears.

Jax created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Like Aeroc hasn't suffered enough what is it with this second chance at life if he has to relive the past and his body has to suffer. Bra if it were me, no body gets any happy ending if I'm going through pains. I will serve kloff boy some sweet tea and sent him back to the grave in peace.

Jax created a topic of The Sacred Serpent's Seduction

The way this blond hair seme be looking innocent in the face like a toddler then boom uses two mf-king dcks to pump in TWINS into uke, is a mystery nobody can solve. Well I'm not entirely surprised, those two hammer dcks were not producing milkshakes for nothing.

Jax created a topic of The World Without You

First time I'm rooting my heart for a seme, they all deserve a happy ending. Uke was just a wonderful person through out. And they didn't give up on each other that's all that matters.

Jax created a topic of Flashlight

If this man called Yujin looks at me one damn time, I don't care if he's a power bottom or bottom power! I will live under his balls, I don't care if Aaron cums for me. I will die knowing I did one right thing in life.

Jax created a topic of No Returns After Use

You not just a money bank, a dildo and food machine. A zaddy in the making.

Jax created a topic of A Terrible Romance

Yo I haven't read this stuff yet, but I'm hearing 2 ML already, why not just hook up and be in a relationship all three of them?. But yeah I haven't read yet so should I give this one a chance?.

Jax created a topic of Paper Flower

This uke is so small it's almost disturbing, where does all the food he eats goes to? Oh god! His eyes?. Seme should shovel his jealous were the sun doesn't shine. This is second chance not second madness.

Jax created a topic of Mirror, Mirror Ang♡

Yo! Public toilet's mirrors be aware of me, cuz I'm coming with an hammer, I ain't losing my rose berries to a damn mirror. I refuse to spread ma legs!!!