Why do people like this get such blessings, my friend has no ambition in life, yet the bastard has the best grade. Bitch doesn't even plan to work after school. And there is me who can read for 1 month and still don't understand a thing and my dreams are humongous. Who wants to be a billionaire without knowing simple English and maths. School ain't for everyone honestly.

Bra you mean to tell me that those ropes or whatever he was tied to was so tight that he couldn't break free and punch the mfker's throat. Truth be told, his body was already bending to the king's will. And it's a shame cuz the king wants his daughter dead. The mfker doesn't even have pity, why not just bring the daughter to him, treat him and the daughter well, if you wanted affection why not just chase after him and win his heart in a possible well. All now I see is rape nd shit. I swear I forget my libido whenever I read this story.

Bra just called him a little child that just came of age. A baby, if you really had good intentions from on set, you could have just buy him entirely from the prostitution house and get him a job, keep him close, and let him be the one to come to you first once he falls in love, cuz the thing with such innocence is they fall in love with their savior. But nope. You seme bro, had your eyes on him.
People with dck! Are you seeing your fellow dck user, are you seeing what he's is doing with it. Bro was giving his all, this wasn't about him and his release. He wanted his partner to feel safe, some people don't know that you can make your lover feel safe through love making. Love this part honestly. Even fellow dildo user take notes. Useful info here.
Fellow dildo user I'm crying hahaha