beomgyu created a topic of Define The Relationship

reading this chp made me realize i am NOT ready for this to end at all

beomgyu created a topic of Little Mushroom

how does the author manage to make everyone so attractive in this even Mr shaw...

what chapter is this in the novel??

beomgyu created a topic of A Three-legged Hero

i wonder if u could hop around like a pogo stick with it..

beomgyu created a topic of CREEPY? TANGY, SWEET!

i didnt think it would be that scary, but the art on top of the fact im reading this at 2:25AM..

beomgyu created a topic of Mokdan's Fragrance

the pacing was kinda weird, and why is he completing side quests??

looked at the invisible cameras like twice

beomgyu created a topic of On To You


beomgyu created a topic of Jueun

WEIRDO ALERT?? lock seme up in a maximum security jail fr

beomgyu created a topic of Unfinished Business

im actually hella curious to find out how this ends, but i fear i dont have the patience to wait this all out

dude its over for you. move to a different continent and start a new life.. also this is just RADIATING second hand embarrassment

beomgyu created a topic of Ghost, not God

if i could draw like that i think all my problems would go way instantly, also this is funny asff

beomgyu created a topic of The Stranger in the Mirror

why does that robot have more cake then me.. smh also idrk how to feel about this tbh, gonna let it marinate

beomgyu created a topic of Define The Relationship

i actually almost shed a tear when i saw 'the end'.. all i can do is wait for the side stories ig..

beomgyu created a topic of Unfinished Business

jichan trust me mido is not worth this much.. and also child mido and mido now basically look the same HOW HASNT HE REALIZED