The story follows Bum, a young mentally ill man with a difficult past. After becoming infatuated wit...
- Author: koogi
- Genres: Mature / Psychological / Horror / Drama / Webtoons / yaoi
Park Hyung Suk, overweight and unattractive, is bullied and abused on a daily basis. But a miracle i...
- Author: Park Tae Joon
- Genres: Seinen / Comedy / Drama / School Life / Psychological / Webtoons
She could literally kill me & my ghost would thank her
Police better get out the fucking way. This is justice
”Is it okay to kill people?"A treacherous revenge suspense by Shiryu Nakatake, a newcomer to Bessa...
- Author: Nakatake shiryuu
- Genres: Drama / Psychological / Thriller
Okay now we REALLY know who the problem is if 2 people are saying that Jeonming should distance herself from him.
W-Why is this so realistic?? Artist must put there heart &soul into those drawings
The scariest part of this is when he said ‘I let him escape’ that freaked me the hell out
The Nagare family had a happy home with three parents and three children. However, their son Kiritak...
- Author: Kazuki , カズキ,Kamejima Junto
- Genres: Psychological / Drama / School Life / Tragedy
Is it bad to want to strangle little kids ? ( ̄∇ ̄")
Jeonming didn’t even hear him out??? I am going to be mad at her till they work things out
The greatest mistake is going through the comments and opening up the spoilers
Pls someone reupload the chapters! The translation is low quality
WAIT A MINUTE- is that the girl from his old school that committed suicide???
The thing about this is that I have trouble remembering names so when they name a character & say the name 10 chapters later I cry