Bin and Elder was buying cakes. Elder doesn't know what type of cake he would choose for Ino and that made Bin asked why he didn't know. Elder replied that Ino didn't even bother to tell him what he likes. After the two finally took their picks Elder picked up Ino. He suddenly wantd to eat out and go for some meat even though he liked vegetarian food more. Ino wondering what was going on. Besides he wants to confess about the marking so the timing wasn't right. At the restaurant Elder noticed that Ino wasn't energetic 'Coz he was thinking about the confession. When they came back home and Ino took a shower, Elder gave him wine and the cake that he was bought. Ino was surprised bit he likes cakes so he tried it. Finally, Ino decided to confess to Elder. He lowered his head and said he has something to say. Elder smirked, asking if he had an affair or smthng. Ino was taken a back but didn't waver. He said that he marked Elder long ago was so sorry about it. Elder wasn't surprised since he knew it all along and that's why they are having little anniversary since the day Ino marked him he said. But this year it was a little more special and Elder took out a small box with a ring inside it!!!! Ino mumbled that he doesn't plan to become a vampire and Elder knew that. All He wanted is to stay beside Ino until he'll grow old and pass away. And then stay and take care of the place where Ino will find his eternal rest. He wanted Ino to allow him to do that. Ino cried and hugged Elder. Now that Lord is gone they could finally relax and Elder asked Ino to retire and live together with him peacefully. Ino gladly wanted to do that too. A little later Hwa received a message and asked Sulhyun when kids will be able to walk because Elder asked them to carry flowers on their wedding of Ino.

Thank you so much for updating uploader-san this chapter as soon as it updates in Lezhin. But can you please update it with like 2-4 days after the release of new chapter so that some people could still support the author by reading in legal site. I don't mean anything bad I just want people whose privileged enough/can to pay for chapters in legal sites to support the author. 'Coz I already feel bad about myself that I can't seem to support the author herself by reading it in legal sites.
P.S please don't be mean to me as I just want to express my opinion/feelings (●'◡'●)ノ
Jin woo looking like a snaccc