I know it's just a webtoon but who care if you already had a kid ? Is Korean society really that obtuse? Between that and the harassment of orphans, single women with children.... All this shows a society that is so futile and full of prejudices.
Unfortunately, South Korea is still notoriously conservative. Moreover, if you're 'different' there is still a lot of stigma unfortunately.
It's etting better. A few years ago, you couldn't say you're divorced or feel positive about it. It was something to be whispered about and seen as a moral failing. But now we have idols and actors announcing their divorces and not failing any negativity.
I don't know how this will end but I wish a happy ending for him.
like we see him peacefully serving coffees on a sunny terrace. I don't care how the others will end because I don't think they can live in a world of peace and quiet. They are way too psycho. the mental and physical torture they put him through wasn't due to their condition. they have no limit and don't care about others.
the sex scenes don't interest me because the feelings are too ugly but the story is gripping nonetheless.
First, I don't understand why the father left without his children when he left home seeing how unstable the mother is.
I could excuse the son because firstly he experienced a horrible childhood (the disappearance of his sister, his mother's depression and the breakup of his family unit then the forced estrangement and the loss of his place within his family, That's a lot for a kid).
But, he is clearly aware that his actions are odious and seeks to satisfy his feeling of inferiority by using his sister's feelings to make her suffer.
In this kind of story, a good psychologist would have been enough to avoid all these torments.
Use the "we need to talk" in a battle... is a real weapon.
Just hearing those word shoves me horrible flashbacks