Imperial's experience ( All 0 )

Imperial's answer ( All 27 )

about question
Well, I like talking to myself and complaining and acting like I am in the manga/hwa/hua, so i create a opinion to myself, the only moment you will caught me commenting about a story is when I don't have a formed opinion. So I get kinda upset when ppl don't react or reply, even if its to cuss me out.   reply
13 01,2024
single, poor, jobless, happy 2024!   3 reply
02 01,2024
i am the one piece my love rival is Mohamed avdol from JoJo my love interest in Sebastian from little mermaid My phone is 25%, this is weird   1 reply
02 01,2024
about question
I do, but I also accidentally dislike ppls comments too, even on tiktok I have fat fingers   1 reply
01 01,2024

Imperial's question ( All 2 )

Why am I not surprised? The Korean author made up a whole scenario about black kids and racism just to be more racist and make a half white person the "saviour", I better be seeing y'all raiding their media now.

Tell me y'all opinion( if you agree with them I'll drag Ur ass out.)
11 09,2023
about lmao
Everytime I read a manhua, the ml always treat the protagonist as shit, and then they go back together, is it some kind of acceptable behaviour in China/Taiwan or sumn? It's so weird to read manhua because of this.
26 08,2023

People are doing

did y'all just feel sad when

I think of when my cat will pass. What’s the point after that? Shes everything man

5 hours
want to do social media

Honestly if I could I’d make everyone delete it. We don’t need people influencing others to do bad things. Cons outweigh the pros.

5 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

“Then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun“

5 hours