I can't even imagine how horrible it'll be to lose everything I value in this world and end up somewhere where I remember everything about the past but can do absolutely nothing because there's no one else who can relate and understand what I'm going through.... And then suddenly everything goes to shit and people try to kill me... It's so clear how much she's suffering 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
I really hope she gets happy soon
I absolutely hate the whole culture of cultivating victim blame is sexual assault related things... It makes Shannon the worst kind of human being to exist... her being a woman herself, how can she justify setting a man up to rape another woman? I hate this shit when it happens in Chinese comics (for some reason the perfect solution in manhua to all problems is getting your enemy raped no matter if you're the FL or the villainess), and I thought korean stuff was free from that whole stupid rape culture crap, so why does this have that shit? Ughhh puts feminism back by centuries is all I can say
I'm legit in love with the secretary