I've read many BL mangas where the translators do sooo much to say "trigger warning: homophobia" when like the f word is used or someone says he doesn't like gay people. It seems a little over the top, since usually soon after it is revealed he is actually gay and insecure about it, and therefore I don't care
this shitty story is getting so annoying with it and legitimate is just being homophobic at this point. It doesn't need to say "that's gay", "i hate gays" at every turn, but it does.
The protagonist just comes off as an asshole. Homophobic guy who is put in sexual situations but don't want it - and the same for the love interest. Only the bad guys are truly gay. The story wants it's cake and eat it too - it wants a gay, sexualized story but slams gay people at every turn.
The protagonist (and author) just comes off as a piece of shit ngl

Bro, I understand so much. The part that bothers me the most is that he doesn’t regret anything that he’s done he’s done the same thing to somebody that confess to him and all he thinks about always it’s because I’m not a delinquent anymore and he thinks himself is being this brain deals person That just because he didn’t go through a gross properly and my brain is like there’s someone that’s always stronger than you if they wanted to gang up on you and beat the fuck out of you they still could so it’s kind of going through all these things, but he’s not getting the correlation of any type of regret like he’s really a douche bag like a horrible person regardless of him being assaulted like almost every fucking turn, which is disgusting he doesn’t get anything that he’s going through at this point. I’d say somebody should call out fucking its karma. Regardless of him being assaulted like almost every fucking turn, which is disgusting he doesn’t get anything that he’s going through at this point. I’d say somebody should call out fucking it’s karma.

Waited until the official version caught up, and the translation SUCKS. The names are dumb (it doesn't even try to interpret their names - Dieter is way better that Deeta) and make beginner mistakes like misinterpreting you and I (the panel about "until I'm full" should obviously be "until you're full").
I live with bad translations all the time, but when it downgrades after an official release that is just beyond idiotic
(Also, not a problem with the uploader or anything<3 just dumbfounded "official" probably means someone was paid to do a worse job and bring the quality down)
It looks like the release of this story is a bit on the slow side, and the author is starting a new project too. Does anyone know when a new chapter comes out, I finished it too quickly
It's okay this manhwa it's already completed but the translation is a bit slow
Okay, I see I'll try being patient then - we love the translators, don't we folks