I have a quick question..where are omnivores placed on the hierarchy? For example, bears, raccoons, and chimpanzees? Are they above herbivores, and below carnivores or are they ranked into two sections, like a bear is placed as a carnivore and a raccoon a herbivore?
I think it has to do with the hierarchy in the animal kingdom (as in the food chain). So I think depending where they are in the food chain and which qualities they have, either more carnivore or herbivore, they may be considered one or the other.
I love how almost all the comments are backing up Kim Dan or telling him to realise his delusions over the shit bag Jaekyung. Not to mention how fucking pissed I am that he denies his shoulder is in bad shape..
Readers after reading the last few chapters: "When is it gonna play...WOAH."