I know y’all are a bunch of degenerates / detergents ;-) so I know I’m among friends when I say this …. I appreciate this author for drawing an absolute masterpiece of smut because MY LORD ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ My Lord be lording and that hole be (o) that you illustrator for drawing the first I’ve ever seen illustrated rose bud
I went back and forth on reading this because so many of the chapters are focused on the video game. I know this is a slow burn, but is the novel also heavy on the game? Or are we in the story where it starts picking up on their interactions and not so much focused on raids, etc? I like the story, the game chapters just seemed to go on and on.
At the beginning it's very game focused but rn, in the novel at least, most of their interactions are going to be in person for a while. I think the focus switches back to the game once they get together and in side stories