I love everything about this so much!!!!!

Ichigo created a topic of The Boundary of Fragrance

this douchebag ML has no business instigating the friend and act like such an aashole, especially when Dobin believes their relationship to be contractual and nothing more. He has no reason nor right to go harassing his friend

Ichigo created a topic of Pizzicato!

and weird ass characters, especially the ML he's so unlikable amd annoying.. MC is just dumb for a "grown adult" two pieces of cardboard would have more chemistry than these two

Ichigo created a topic of Report My Boss

what a load of horseshit!! taking advantage of someone's who's come into contact with drugs, not bothering to loosen him up, no lubrication but magically there's immediate penetration with no tearing or blood.. the way this top has been so keen on sexually harassing and assaulting this kid even though he knows he may have killed his father?!?? weird ass development. weird ass pacing. weird ass characters!

Ichigo created a topic of Honey Trouble

are you fucking kidding me??? disgusting piece of shit!! buying some off the market random drug without considering the side effects shows you how he doesn't actually care about MC.. all to satisfy his own agenda. go die you fucking pig!
and mc is genuinely too naive and too forgiving.. a whole dumb doormat!! I bet you he's gonna find out at some point and it'll be brushed off and forgiven again "he did it because he loves me" or whatever the fuck.

Ichigo created a topic of A Ridiculous Drama

ML is literally carrying the relationship by himself, making all the effort... and do restraining orders not exist?!?? why does no one ever calls the cops on his ass? wtf is this bullshit

Ichigo created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

idk why I'm still here hoping to see Heeseo's demise.. but idk if this author, just like everyone else, has any intention to show karma and justice...

Ichigo created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

dude's brain is fucked up beyond repair... can't even call this stockholm syndrome.

Ichigo created a topic of Kill My Love

Laiyi having the most normal reaction to finding out all this shit has been done against Jing's will was so refreshing!!!!

Ichigo created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

he's a product of continues violence and sexual abuse, all thanks to the ML. I can't believe there are people who are rooting for this relationship and think they're "cute" together or whatever

Ichigo created a topic of Part-Time Partner

I'm frustrated at MC for catching feelings or whatever... but the ML is majorly at fault for leading him on and acting like a boyfriend all the time. He says he wants to keep it casual but his words and actions don't match up. He gets jealous, throws tantrums and doesn't want mc to hang around other dudes, acts all domestic and shit... so as annoyed as I am, it's normal and understandable for mc to have these conflicting feelings and confusions.

the new guy is adorable!

Ichigo created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Kloff still being the piece of shit that he is is truly astonishing!!! he makes my skin crawl!! so disappointed in Aeroc... no one in their right mind would lay in bed with that rapist monster after everything he put him through.

Ichigo created a topic of Salvation Spirit

I guess it's too much to ask for an mc that isn't so spineless and pathetic.... I'm so over this!

Ichigo created a topic of Is it because i'm cute?

add another rapist to the existing long roster of fuckass rapists!! what gives him the right to get jealous when he was just entertaining himself with mc in the first place?? and is MC actually fucking stupid?????

Ichigo created a topic of The Millennial Tiger -

fuck this hunter guy, POS!! wtf is mc even doing here still?? the prince was treating him much better. mc's thought process and actions don't rly make sense

Ichigo created a topic of Roses and Champagne

this is what pisses me off about these rape fest stories.. the victim doesn't even show the slightest sign of discomfort.. rather, he thinks he's cute?!?? like he didnt just drug and raped you into oblivion?! does he srsly think that's out of love and affection?? Caesar is a literal abuser. and obviously this wont be the last time either. the minute something doesn't go his way, he'll rape him again I bet you.

I almost wrote and essay about all the details and reasons why Nakwon is such a problematic and toxic character, but my browser tweaked and it disappeared before I could finish!

so anyways, I'll always be a Nakwon hater even if I have to die on his hill alone lol

Ichigo created a topic of Thirst

two fucking vampires, one with a gun in his hands, and a trained killer can't fight back against ONE fucking man?!??? what the fuck is he, Thanos??? I find it hard to believe that a mere human is so "untouchable" and it's starting to become very annoying

Ichigo created a topic of Zero Day Attack

I can't believe how hot they are wtf!!

Ichigo add manga to list Dropped

Dong-wook, who was sensitive and picky due to insomnia because of the ghosts that visit him, fell as...

  • Author: Gwendolin, Samyoung
  • Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Romance / Smut / Webtoons