Ichigo created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Everything about kloff just disgusts me, idc whichever life he's in!! rotten to the core bastard! he's a self-serving egoistic toxic and abusive piece of shit. What he feels towards Aaroc is nothing but obsession and inferiority!! his insecure little ass wants to feel superior by dominating an Alpha that he feels inferior to. Nothing about his "feelings" nor actions feel genuine to me. That's not how you love someone! bitch ass loser!

Ichigo created a topic of Our Sunny Days

never read anything more wholesome than this!!! and the art is AMAZING at showing expressions and feelings.. like, you really feel everything!!!! please never end. it's curing my depression!

Ichigo created a topic of Cherry Complex

a victim chasing after his rapist is actually insane!!! dude needs therapy. the trauma clearly fucked up his body AND his brain.

Ichigo created a topic of Half of Me

that's what I'm getting.. and based on what he saw in the hotel hallway, there are other victims too?! both mc and the other kid we saw are both minors still in high school.... what a disgusting fucking predator!!! and he obviously even tried to kill mc?? omfg! somebody please kill him!

Ichigo created a topic of Sealed With A Secret

ngl, something about him is really annoying to me!!! especially the way he talked to the sick brother and is trying to take advantage of his current state he also kinda sucks at his job for being a "skilled" spy or whatever lol

Ichigo created a topic of When Pear Blossoms Bloom

I don't even wanna read this anymore if he isn't end game. HE'S SO OBVIOUSLY THE SUPERIOR CHOICE!!! I'm so tired of the arrogant asshole types always getting picked at the end no matter how shitty they are.

Ichigo created a topic of Within My Shadow

disgusting black flag abusive motherfcker!!!! someone needs to free mc. He needs therapy and healing away from this bitch!!!! mc is practically a brainwashed shell of a person at this point... no soul left, just a body that's constantly getting abused.

Ichigo created a topic of Patchwork

I actually really enjoyed reading this.. if I ignore the forced bottoming in the beginning
I think the set up is good, plot and characters are developing well so far. While there are some typical elements, it still has some originality and had me engaged the entire time. Shoulda let it marinate more lol

Ichigo created a topic of The Fox's Thief Marriage

still referring to his own child as "the kid", after he supposedly reflected on his actions and promised to treat mc better. All men do is lie I swear! Acting like raising and caring for their child is only MC's responsibility?!? trash.

Ichigo created a topic of Tender Night

there hasn't been a single moment of peace.. nothing even remotely enjoyable, just one aggravating event after another and another and another. I don't know why I'm still torturing myself by coming back here, hoping something will change. and MC is so unlikable it's crazy

Ichigo created a topic of Flashlight

I wish he'd punched harder!! I'm getting so sick of this arrogant condescending yapper bitch. "Dirty talk" is not sexy when all you do is degrade and humiliate someone you're in a fake relationship with.. go eat shit!

Ichigo created a topic of Defense Mechanism

it's obvious that their feelings were mutual.. but it looks like ML's brother was interfering with their relationship and made him break up with ML? but why?? what was his motive? now it seems like he's okay with ML dating Yul. so what was his issue with the hyung?
and what was that random sex/cheating moment?! the plot is not very coherent.

Ichigo created a topic of Off Track

another "disappointed but not surprised" situation.. I didnt like the motherfcker from the beginning, and there he goes proving me right. I'm so sick of this type of character, and this genre is full of scum like him!!!! I genuinely do not see the fcking appeal!! these writers need to seek some originality and find other ways to develop their "plot".

Ichigo created a topic of Unfinished Business

MY BROTHER IN CHRIST?!??? ARE YOU OKAY? My brain is not computing this bullshit!!! I absolutely hate this random nonsensical attempt at "fluff". if anything it's just infuriating and nauseating to watch!! how did my dude end up taking an extreme abuser "into his heart"?!?? has he completely lost his damn mind??
"I want to stand before you as a good man"???!? are you seriously saying that to the scumbag who not only raped and tortured you but literally turned you into an omega by force?!???? there's no way he's right in the head. there's just no fucking way!!!

there is a special place in hell for bullies and I feel a special kind of hate for them!!!! I really want mc to to get his revenge without ML's help. But I'll accept whatever as long as the bully eats shit!

Ichigo created a topic of Cry Me a River

it's crazy to me how so many people just moved on from all the shit he did to mc in the beginning and how he treated him... and how even now he's emotionally manipulating and controlling mc. Sure what happened to his mom was absolutely terrible, and yes I love how well he's plotting his evenge, but let's not be delulu about how toxic he is as a partner. Pretty privilege is too real even in fiction.. draw a hot character and everybody becomes colorblind

Ichigo created a topic of Work Love Balance

I'd love to see more side stories of him finding someone new... idk, I don't dislike him for some reason and pity him. I hope he finds happiness!

Ichigo created a topic of Lucian

you wish you could just sleep with anybody to get over your rut... and your first thought is the person who you KNOW has a crush on you?!? and the only thing stopping you is "grandma will kill me if I violate his beloved grandson"?? and not the fact that taking advantage of someone's feelings is wrong?? then he has the audacity to play victim later?? go kys bitch!!

Ichigo created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about mc has always annoyed me since the beginning... I wish I could say what it was lol but he annoys me