Cant they see she is not a bit loyal she is litrally leading everyone on . like as a girl how do you let different men touch you like that. This is beyond me now imagine ML doing this would hate him call him red forest and what not. How are they even attracted to her? Just coz she is pretty? Then why didnt they like previous lucia atleast that girl was loyal yo crown prince. Shit crown prince maybe likes her because she no longer likes him so he would get that chasing adrenaline that boys get with having multiple side chicks. Story is just soo out of place.

No i have read everysingle chapter all i can see is her getting close to the crown princes brother along with him if she had a bone in her body she would have rejected him he is carrying her, doing skinship what not then there us crown princes does soap, oil not exist in this world that she cant take out THAT DAMN RING? Even if his sister is kidnapped how is it her responsibility to solve it? Can you explain her tactics to me? YOU ARE RIGHT I CANT SEE HER GETTING CLOSE WITH EVERYONE I LIKE PEOPLE WHO ARE LOYAL AND ONE MAN WOMAN OR ONE WOMAN MAN . I guess this was not for me.

I meannn if you were stuck in a strange land and knew nobody and turns out u r a villain. Yikes. I wouldn’t try to have bad blood with anybody and try to befriend as many as possible and have a good relationship with them caz fate is literally against me. Also she is not in a relationship with anybody and also doesn’t have any one she is romantically interested in yet (she hasn’t officially realized) so I dun really see what’s so wrong with some flirts here and there as she is single and beautiful. Also I think this story has a reverse harem trope for a setting style

There’s no reverse harem trope the author did it for fan service. And she’s not single she’s still technically engaged a lot of the comments biggest issue w the fl it that she never set boundaries with any of the men when she should have especially since her brother Theo told her not to get too involved with Leo but her careless self didn’t think much of if

Can anybody explain whats going on? I simply dont get it(⊙…⊙ )

They were all playing, the tapes made them remember that they were people and not npcs.
Something happened with Bada's tape that his memory is not working correctly. He remembers being a player but doesn't remember that his cousin and friend were playing with him. The rest os them are at times remembering that they are players (when someone saves their tape) at times behaving like NPCs (when their tapes are not saved)
Thats it, i have lost hope for any redemption arc for jjk.