Blue October 21, 2024 11:10 pm

This is so confusing, weren't they in the bath house in chp 13 whhat happened that they are in a castle now?
Forget the fact that its hella confusing to read it, but now the chapters are messed up too?

It seems so cute and fun to read ╥﹏╥

Blue October 13, 2024 12:11 am

I think Natalia might be the person Keith needs right now. He needs someone who could give him a everyday comon life with no troubles, someone who has a stable lifestyle, stable job, stable friendships and relations with her friends. Simply someone who isn't going through difficult times.
Tommy and Keith might have been deeply in love and it might have worked out after all, if they had been in a better place back when they first meet
(but then again if Tommy wasnt going through shit back then and gone to that bar, they might have not been a thing to begin with).
They needed someone who could support and be there with them to confide in, someone who isn't dealing with as much problems as they were.
Howe was the support Tommy needed back then, he was the best friend and the one person she could always count on to open up to, and Natalia might just be that same person for Keith too.

He has done a lot of shitty things, but i believe that everyone deserves the chance to heal, work on their mistakes, better themselves and become a better person.

For these people it might be a good start, to feel shame from the way they've led their lives up untill that point. Shame and regret is a good starting point.

    Di7 October 13, 2024 8:41 am

    I wrote it in some other comment but ..
    Tbh I could accept him starting over at least if he really wanted to and tried to ! Getting a hair cut and going to therapy but still doing the same shit isn't healing..
    Isn't improving.. he even slept with his previous doctor
    He's just skipping from one girl to another til he finds one amusing or just giving him some attention..
    He's disgusting tbh and now I'm glad Tommy left ..
    We needed to see some actual regrets! Some things about him actually admitting he's at fault for ruining things with Tommy and even with the girls he dated before ..
    All we Heard was him nagging about not having a healthy relationship and playing the victim when he's the one who refused to have one and ruined it whenever he was close to having one by going back to that chishit whenever she looked his way and not even getting back with her just fucking and letting her goes back to her bf
    All we got was him regretting a threesome .. not even a proper apologize to Tommy or some thoughts or regrets for hurting her! And then going back to his usual life of fucking around
    And i bet even now if chishit get back even with her husband in the pic he would still run to her ..
    And when tommy asked him back then about chi and he said he won't meet her again but the tommy was like there's family involved and friends so you will still meet .. now what ? Why aren't we seeing her around?
    And the annoying thing is now he can start a relationship with Natalia just because chi isn't around.. he won't have a chance to cheat but if she was he would ..
    but what if chi wasn't around when he was with Tommy? Could have things turned out any different??
    And even what if tessa hasn't appeared in the apartment that day.. they were close tbh they just needed a little push .. and what if she found him before chi in that room..
    I thought alot about what if
    There's alot or regrets tbh and kinda sad but at the same time I'm glad they break it but idk
    Maybe i just need some other version when he didn't kiss chi that day and got back with Tommy..

    Di7 October 13, 2024 8:42 am

    But still it feels like even his relationship with Natalia is random..

Blue October 8, 2024 4:11 am

Im loving this so far. I love the fact that it doesn't seem to be harem and the MC seems to be loking for only one spouse, the girl who i will assume is the FL isn't Sakura-ing it either, she seems like a sweet down to earth kind and hard working young lady.

The MCs personality so far is very pleasing, i like the way he thinks and he doesn't seem to be full of himself, he just knows it and does it.

Blue October 3, 2024 8:25 pm

If the author started the manhua by showing their past first, how they meet, how they build the kingdom they have today, how they fell in love and how in the end Brian died. Seeing him die after having seen all their hard work and passion for life and eachother would have hit harder because we wouldn't know when they will meet again.

After Brian dies the season ends and the new one starts where a reincarnated Brian is shown and we see how many years have passed, we would already know everything and the feelings we have torwards the story would be greater, i didnt feel anything about it because i didn't have a reason to care about these characters i didn'tknow anything about them for a whole season, until i finally read season 2 where their past is shown.

I think alowing the readers to connect with the world and the characters first is better, because in this order when we see the emperor we will feel his pain of having waited for so many years for the person he loves, we would feel the frustration and sadness of having Brian be in such a weak and helpless state the complete opposite of who he was in the past, we would feel a greater and clearer feling of hate for the emperor's brother and how he made two people who love eachother deeply enemiesin this life, and we would conect more with the story over all in a deeper level.

This is just my opinion if i read season 2 first and then the 1st season after that it would have been a better flow of the story.

What do you guys think?? (=・ω・=)

    Hungrykraken October 6, 2024 5:26 pm

    Story telling doesn’t have to be linear like that though.

    Innoue October 6, 2024 5:32 pm

    There would be no questions left for the readers then. Season 1 is a very good season personally since it left me questioning why Ian seems so important to the cardinal and the king, and that results me to follow the story until the recent chapter. Also, the author's sequencing made a lot of reader's read the unexpected. If we read the 2nd season first, and Brian dies, then we will expect that he'll be reincarnated which is kinda bland compared to finding out that he is the reincarnation of king's lover and answering the question of why the king is kinda protective of him. Letting the readers connect to the characters and the world in the story is good, but that's just it. It's the aesthetic of the world building but would not definitely show the story's plot twists and it's deeper connections to the plot. Personally, the author's sequencing is perfect. Nothing to change. However, we all have different perspectives and views. You're entitled to your own opinion.

    Innoue October 6, 2024 5:33 pm


    Hungrykraken October 6, 2024 6:12 pm
    There would be no questions left for the readers then. Season 1 is a very good season personally since it left me questioning why Ian seems so important to the cardinal and the king, and that results me to foll... Innoue

    This is something I’m genuinely curious about because I think the recent demand /need for immediate answers is a weakness in reading comprehension that’s either a failure in the education system or symptomatic of something. More of the stories within the Yaoi fandom or elsewhere so many readers are dogging on these perceived complex plots when it’s like, no babes, this is just how literature can be written. You can have progressive storylines that go A to B to C to the e ding or you can take some detours, have some flashbacks have some time skips. Sometimes there isn’t an answer for everything since writing can be finite.

    Blue October 6, 2024 6:43 pm

    Yes, i do see all your points. Very valid ones. Reading your replies did remind me of when i was reading at the beginning and why i added it to my reading list, it was because i was curious, as you mentioned, as to why the king is infatuated with the MC and wth is wrong with this weird blondie. Mabye when i was reading the story with only 1 chapter per fortnight or so, i started to lose the need for questioning and just wanted to get straight to the point of it. I still cant help but feel like i wasnt conected to the story as much as i had wanted when season 1 ended which lead to this dissatisfaction. Mabye i should leave it to marinate for some time and then pick it up again.

    The story is good, and props to the author for writing it, and you are right it not everything has to be linear, it would becometo boring then. I just want to share that only after reading season 2 was i left hurt and sad and that i cared for these characters, which overshadowed any other feeling that season 1 had given. I feel like each season deserves and should have the chance to give the readers those feelings so that the authors hard work is more appreciated as it should be.

    When i wrote that coment this is how i felt buttttt..... mabye im in need of a reread so that im more in touch with the development of the plot line ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
    maybe i forgot something as it has been so long
    (  ̄▽ ̄)

    anono October 6, 2024 9:51 pm

    what? no, this story is perfect as it is. story that is so straight for what's the beginning and the end, and have no twist is the most boring story of all, and that's what you want?

    honestly, I'm tired of people hating on past Ian (Brian) and season 2, just bc they can't understand the purpose of the plot that the author intended. the twist of their real relationship in the past is one of the plot that need to be discovered slowly, and I thank the author for delivering it so seamlessly.

    this story, from season 1 till now, is perfect in my eyes.

    Blue October 7, 2024 1:01 am
    what? no, this story is perfect as it is. story that is so straight for what's the beginning and the end, and have no twist is the most boring story of all, and that's what you want?honestly, I'm tired of peop... anono

    Hahaha, im not really hating on it, i actually love it. I was just giving a diferent perspective. Mabye you missed my reply to the coments where i explained my reasoning?

    I don't hate Brian, i really like his character and how he was build. Im looking forward to seeing Ian in the present gain his strength and allow himself to show the sides of him even he didn't know he had.

    I like the replys my comment is getting, i can see how the readers would react and what their opinion is on stories that follow similar plot build.

    anono October 7, 2024 5:19 am
    Hahaha, im not really hating on it, i actually love it. I was just giving a diferent perspective. Mabye you missed my reply to the coments where i explained my reasoning?I don't hate Brian, i really like his c... Blue

    oh, good. sorry, yeah, i don't see the other comments.

    some people just can't stand slow burns, but personally, I don’t mind slow burns stories as long as it's good (this manhwa is one of it).

Blue October 2, 2024 1:19 am

Blue September 17, 2024 11:11 am

Please remove the wrong chapters, its giving me severe OCD

    Faggot September 18, 2024 3:27 pm

    Girl what

    Blue September 19, 2024 9:12 am
    Girl what Faggot

    Someone uploaded some other mangas chapters on this ones and thats bothering me. When they upload the right chapters there will be a messed up order if the wrong ones arent removed

    Faggot September 19, 2024 1:53 pm
    Someone uploaded some other mangas chapters on this ones and thats bothering me. When they upload the right chapters there will be a messed up order if the wrong ones arent removed Blue

    Ohhhhh okay

Blue June 22, 2024 6:21 pm

Why is he acting linke a court lady vying for attention and love

Blue June 16, 2024 12:02 am

I really don't like him. He's so uncultured

Blue June 14, 2024 11:03 pm

Why is she soo dense, hes at your feet crawling common, if your not going to fall for him again at least make use of him, hes THE DUKE. I cant

    Hopeless_shipper June 14, 2024 11:19 pm

    Girl it's a little something called dignity

    CHILE_ANYWAY_NO June 14, 2024 11:26 pm

    He treated her HORRIBLY during the time they were together and he hasn’t fully reflected on why she’s actively avoiding him. Of course she doesn’t want to get back with him, his change in behaviour is the complete opposite of the way he treated her while they were married and it’s weird. Anyone would be suspicious, wouldn’t they??

    Blue June 15, 2024 11:41 pm

    Shes obviously dealing with a mentally challenged person and I honestly wouldn't put it past him not to go and do smth crazy stupid. Lets be logical here he is trying to kill someone just for talking to her and calling her name

    Blue June 15, 2024 11:41 pm
    Shes obviously dealing with a mentally challenged person and I honestly wouldn't put it past him not to go and do smth crazy stupid. Lets be logical here he is trying to kill someone just for talking to her and... Blue

    Damnn that was too long

    Blue June 15, 2024 11:53 pm
    Shes obviously dealing with a mentally challenged person and I honestly wouldn't put it past him not to go and do smth crazy stupid. Lets be logical here he is trying to kill someone just for talking to her and... Blue

    You cant ignore the fact they are insanely compatible and he needs her to survive. Even if he DIDN'T still love her he could force her to stay with him by using a shitty reason like fulfiling a duty to your country. Even more straightforward he can just threaten her with her familys life and knowing her she would keep quiet about it ( remember he needs her so he dont go crazy and die)

    Also just like you said he did a 180 on her, whos to say he won't do it again, only this time for the worse.

    He is a duke, he as power and authority and her family isn't powerfull and capable of going against them if it comes down to it ( i think they are a family of knights i dont recall)
    Shes in a shitty situation and im just saying she gotta be carefull cause nobody aint going anywhere just cause she tells them she dont like them.

    Then again I could be reaching too far with all this and over analysing way too much

    CHILE_ANYWAY_NO June 16, 2024 9:46 am
    You cant ignore the fact they are insanely compatible and he needs her to survive. Even if he DIDN'T still love her he could force her to stay with him by using a shitty reason like fulfiling a duty to your cou... Blue

    I think I misread your first comment because I thought you were calling her dense and telling her to fall in love with him again, not use him

    Blue June 16, 2024 8:41 pm
    I think I misread your first comment because I thought you were calling her dense and telling her to fall in love with him again, not use him CHILE_ANYWAY_NO

    Well i was calling her dense for not making a better analysis of the situation she is in (her ex from another world is here and the most crazy, he's now in love with her???)

    Nahh, but even if she falls in love again it better be after he has gone through the same thing she went through.

    PS. Even if he loved her in the past as well and was just bad at showing it (considering the fact that he was in a different world and was tricked and trapped in there), it doesn't invalidate the pain she went through. She still felt it no matter his intentions.

    I hope this makes it easier to understand where I was comming from

    CHILE_ANYWAY_NO June 16, 2024 9:47 pm
    Well i was calling her dense for not making a better analysis of the situation she is in (her ex from another world is here and the most crazy, he's now in love with her???) Nahh, but even if she falls in love ... Blue

    I agree with everything you just said!!

    Blue June 16, 2024 10:54 pm
    I agree with everything you just said!! CHILE_ANYWAY_NO


Blue June 10, 2024 2:09 pm

This is so weird. It shows a lot and yet it tells nothing ( ̄へ ̄)
I dont really know where the author meant to go with this story... it just leaves you unsatisfied (- ェ -)

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