Kirino_ created a topic of Crash On Paradise

finalllyyy!!!! I waited for so long!!!

HHAHAAHHHAA Evrett has no shame tbh T.T

Kirino_ created a topic of Love Gym

Is there a link to a novel? can't find anything here on the internet. I want to read it so much

Kirino_ created a topic of Kitsch Wedding

I wanna see their children!!!

Kirino_ created a topic of Only for Love

ahhhhgshssggshshsg, kicking here :>

Kirino_ created a topic of Remarried Empress

fvck sovieshit and trashta, honorable mention baron lant, such a blind man, fvck all of you. I've ready read the novel but seeing Trashta on her trial will be satisfying, I'll make sure of thaf

Kirino_ created a topic of Slow Melting

why'd she invite her stepmom and stepsis? she shoudn't invite them, trashy mom and daughter

Kirino_ created a topic of I Can’T Wait To Eat You

whut? you will not forgive the FL becoz she had a new boyfriend? DO.U.HAVE.THE.RIGHTS??? like?? shoxx, such a whore

Kirino_ created a topic of Crash On Paradise

is this one in a season break? it's been a while since they posted an update

a bitch, literally a bitch, and whut? I thought she pretty, I mean she said it herself but look, compare to Eva and her? she's not even leveling on Eva's beauty, right? HAHHAHAHAHHAHAH what a bitch, what a big BITCH

Kirino_ created a topic of Ki Sisters

I've been waiting for months now, is there a raw? I've already looked and search if there's any but can't find it, can someone pls inform me? or us if there is a raw? I really wanna read the whole thing :>

Kirino_ created a topic of Only for Love

ahhhh, I've read the novel, it is good, this is good

Kirino_ created a topic of Only for Love

what a drip, the ML is in awe

Kirino_ created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

That is not Bianca's fault, it's Jacob. Eh, but hopefully Eva and Blanche will have a happy ending too