you've got to do what feels right to you, depending on what values are most important to you. if safety and ease is best then it's ok to do so. i think it is great you want to be in education, as i think the world needs great teachers more than ever. it is the hardest job on the planet next to being a mother. the fact that you are drawn to it... i ...... reply
i think it's normal to ask and wonder about these things...
but also to not think too too hard on it and just enjoy life everyday. because what you said is valid about things being beyond our perception, our small tiny world when there is a vast universe, even cosmos, even beyond that, out there. maybe a god or gods are not what we even think the...... reply
welp, which job do you enjoy more?
sounds like either way you will have to look for work after both end, right?
so pick the one you enjoy doung more during this season.
don't run yourself into the ground... choose health and happiness, yes?
as for people, just be upfront and exchange info with them so you can continue to hang with them regardless ...... 1 reply