Tricked. Hoodwinked. BAMBOOZLED. so hot but why the dream trope???? i wanted tiny freaky owen/king to get someeeee
"knight-san, due to extreme severity of this curse, I fear I absolutely MUST put ur wingwang in my mouth for safe keeping, rapidly moving it up and down & then (pause for effect) place it in my downstairs purse - also movng it up & down - to complete the ritual. then & only then, will u be free" ykw, what the hell, sure
THAT GOOGLY EYED CUNT WHEN I CATCH YOU??? hurting those poor lil kids "can i stop now?" I hate her ass smmmm
just when he got his booty all healed up. I hope ilic gets a sweet romantic surprise. it's clear he wants one that lil tsundere~
and now it's one of my favorites. love this story so much. sucked us fujoshis in with poly clones to give us a wholesome story. spectacular
he was so happy to take the bus i- my poor babyyyyy
I really really hope that after this they talk it out cuz OBVIOUSLY they both like each other but have different communication styles and they both don't wanna seem too clingy arghhh
Good for u Kim Danie! remember when he put ur ass thru the wringer and he didn't gaf?? I hope u make his ass SUFFERRRRR
thank God he's taking care of our lil bean cuz yeomin deserves a break FAWK
laughing at how everyone's like: "Thank you for saving Doc Dan, now F*CK OFF"
God please pleaseeeee let that man be good to him abeg I cannot handle any roughness rn on top of his beat down. Tuck ur d*ck away mister!
danggg nawt potato and heesung looking like a couple of hot lesbians
Joo jaejkyung suffering?? TURN THAT SHIT UP. Love how everyone in the comments sh*tting on him haha. We DONT wish him well