is it me or the new remake feel very rushed, they leave out a lot of minor details, and the story just goes without explanation.
I dont know why but this give "100% perfect girl" vibe, they're both pretty mellow and dramatic at the same time, and of course reverse harem.
Why cant he just tell her honestly that he like her? instead of going around in circle trying to confuse her and creating misunderstanding, chase her properly??? like he doesn't even have to tell her about their past, just say i've seen u around and i really like you???
in 36 chapter, i have not seen the main villain girl get hurt ONCE, MC is always getting abused left and right, and the villain girl...get upset sometime? but there is always someone to her rescue, im just....might as well make her MC because tf is this
The least they could do is to send out hiatus announcement if they don't plan on continuing as schedule why make us wait this long?? Especially if they said they're coming back end of 2024 ???
At this point just let the consort be the MC since we're focusing on her so much
Imagine breaking up with someone, and your first thought isn't how you feel bad for them but if they're going to kill you??? Lee Won baby do you not see anything wrong with that ???
if they die at different time wouldn't they wake up at different timeline as well, so how exactly do they all play at the same time, does the timeline cross path?, does the story not reset until everyone die?
Mannnn, back in the day there was a limited amount of BL manhwa, so this shit was so good to me, but now that there are an abundance of them, and re-reading this, its so off putting, I was always bother with ML sleeping with his father, but overlook it cuz of the chemistry between ML and MC, but now??
When did this turn into A WHOREHOUSE???? I thought this was shounen-ai ??? anyway love it lol
Chapter 40 - damn i feel targeted :)))), growing up poor and living in that cycle of feeling sorry for not being good enough might possibly be the worst feeling in the world.
the manhwa has such an interesting premise but poor execution, there is no process of ML and FL falling in love, same with 2ML, we don't get to see them falling in love its just instant oh I love you, very disconnected.
ML found out MC is the "girl" he was looking for in chapter 30, smh the regret, he deserve to feel terrible for how he was treating MC
give side couple another story of their own since your gonna make the whole chapter about them anyway