Silver Wolf November 16, 2020 10:18 am

Only one artist did all of the series, instead of the various art styles. Don’t get me wrong, all the artist are good in their own right. However, because each book has a different artist, except for a few characters like Lucien (who for whatever reason is often dressed like Dracula except in his own story), almost all the characters go through a character model change. Like with Sabin, in at least two of the series’ books he had dark skin and dreadlock... I see no dreadlocks in this version and his skin is definitely not dark. It really bugged me and made me not want to read the story, because I feel like the character was not being portrayed right. He went from macho dreadlocks to black hair Goldilocks

    Darkhikari June 8, 2024 11:08 pm

    In the novel it's only said he had brown hair granite skin so you can interpret it like you want but I prefer this one ( probably cause it's drawn by Rurika Fuyuki lol)...

Silver Wolf November 7, 2020 4:38 pm

She’s right. Given his age and health condition, I’m not surprised. I had a blood clot that formed in my lungs and leg. The first doctors I went to see didn’t catch it and let me get on a plane, which made my condition worse. The second set of doctors did catch it. And honestly, they said it was a miracle that I survived.

Elise is in for a tough battle given the tools she has and his age. Blood clots are no joke.

Silver Wolf October 25, 2020 4:54 pm

Caaaan you feel... the loooove toniiiggt...

    callmejay October 25, 2020 5:07 pm

    i feel it in my fingers.. i feel it in my toes.. the love that’s all around me..

    Silver Wolf October 25, 2020 5:22 pm
    i feel it in my fingers.. i feel it in my toes.. the love that’s all around me.. callmejay


Silver Wolf October 20, 2020 9:36 pm

Me: Oh look! Another douché!
The Prince: Where?
Me: There! *bitch slap*

Silver Wolf October 16, 2020 7:34 am

I found this series interesting at first, much like our loyal translator did. But I found that the story began to lose its focus when we encountered the secondary group, and it just kept spiraling from there. But it was so intriguing that I couldn’t stop reading, even though in my head I kept asking: is it finally over?

The pros of this story is the characters, because they are all interesting in their own right, and were relatable most of the time. The whole idea of people who wanted to commit suicide finding the will to live through survival, was also good, because it shows that even when people have hit the absolute bottom they can find a way to climb back up.

The cons of the story are as I said, the whole story arc with the secondary group. Not that Swarda wasn’t interesting in his own fked up way, but I feel that the author could have still given his over all message; without all the violence and sexual abuse. I get the need for an antagonist, but I think Kai would have been enough of one to meet the authors needs... though it would have shortened the story considerably.

Overall I say this is a 3.5 out of 5 for character and overall story.

    M.D October 16, 2020 11:20 am

    I kind of agree with you...but showing the true nature of human being without sugarcoating it, it's what I admire Mouri sempai for, and I guess he felt that for that to happen he needed to portray the antithesis of this two groups who start the same way but choose completely different paths....I feel that if we could've read it in one go it wouldn't have felt that it was a little bit dragged on...... anyway for that experience one could read his other stories witch are just as good (for me, I would say even better)

    Silver Wolf October 16, 2020 5:23 pm
    I kind of agree with you...but showing the true nature of human being without sugarcoating it, it's what I admire Mouri sempai for, and I guess he felt that for that to happen he needed to portray the antithesi... M.D

    I see what you’re saying, though I still hold to my opinion... If this story was solely about survival and not about people finding the will to live, then I would totally agree that the secondary group would be a necessary plot device, to show how things could have gone with the primary group. But since this was about suicide victims learning how to deal with life and finding the strength to go on... I feel like the secondary group could have been left out

Silver Wolf October 16, 2020 1:23 am

Saw that coming lol.

Question is...
Is it his condition? Or is it poison? And if the latter, will Linden be blamed?

Silver Wolf October 14, 2020 8:36 am

So according to Baka Updates, we are 2 chapters away from the end of the story !! As for the reason why we’re not getting any updates is because Renta (which I’m assuming is where the chapters were being pulled from), only has up to chapter 14

    obake-chan October 17, 2020 12:48 pm

    Ok I posted my comment without reading anyone's and I said almost the same thing lmao

    Silver Wolf October 17, 2020 4:09 pm
    Ok I posted my comment without reading anyone's and I said almost the same thing lmao obake-chan

    Lol almost, though you figured it out from another source. So you actually verified what I said, so thank you

Silver Wolf October 9, 2020 8:01 am

The boys are going to be sad that they missed this

    MinHannia October 9, 2020 3:56 pm

    And theeeen ... THEY APPEAR... it would be iconic if that happens

    Silver Wolf October 9, 2020 6:24 pm
    And theeeen ... THEY APPEAR... it would be iconic if that happens MinHannia

    Lol yes it would be

Silver Wolf September 29, 2020 7:15 am

I only liked the food....

While the story wasn’t terrible for a newcomer, I found the characters to be a little too one dimensional and there was a lack of depth to the plot... In that one minute the characters would be in trouble and then they would suddenly have a solution.

It wasn’t all bad, the comedy was pretty good and seeing the food did make me salivate a little lol. But I think a little more editing, and more fleshing out of the world, characters and situations would do wonders to improving the story.

I hope the mangaka takes this story and uses it to improve her next one.

    ymi December 6, 2020 2:44 am

    Well written! I agree.

    Silver Wolf December 6, 2020 7:42 am
    Well written! I agree. ymi

    Thank you

Silver Wolf September 26, 2020 4:10 pm

I’m not sure if it was a slight mistranslation or what... but I found the double negatives sooo confusing when they were talking about the smuggling... couldn’t tell if she was saying that people were for it or against it, until they resolved the issue...

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