FurFag's experience ( All 0 )

FurFag's answer ( All 1 )

Well, I saw the article and it says they can't disclose the name, and saying its starts with an M. Yall are forgetting MRM I'm not on here that often or Mrm that often, so I have NO idea who is more popular, but I'm pretty positive Mrm is more popular so... just hope for dear life its not us   2 reply
09 12,2023

FurFag's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did sleep more

@murcielago stop being delusional, you're never beating me. only I reign supreme as I bask in the glory of the ultimate laziness.

30 minutes
did sleep more

i sleep more than lazy potato does

1 hours
did tried to kill yourself

I've attempted many times in the past decade. Keeping my mind preoccupied allows me to just let it be.

7 hours