I see a lot of comments praising how healthy the relationship between Seung and Huyng is, and please, for your own health, do not think this way. I will explain why it's not healthy. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy reading this as a piece of fiction, and the sex scenes were great and all, but this needs to be addressed.
So, here are couple points:
First off the main focus, the sex scenes. I think we can all agree that consent is an important thing in real life relationships and consent can be revoked at any time, otherwise the sex will be considered rape. How many times does Huyng actually beg for Seung to stop? I feel like the only thing he actually says during sex is "no" and "stop" and the response from Seung keeps being "I can't stop now cuz I'm not in control, you're too hot", which is hot in a piece of fiction, but not so much in real life. The only difference from the rape scene is that Jisuk also punched him, but in the end there doesn't seem to be much difference. Consentual non-con is a completely different matter and it doesn't seem like the pair has made any rules on that and they have no actual safeword. If a safeword is missing, "no" and "stop" are the safewords.
Then, outside of bedroom. Jealousy seems to be a big thing between the two, especially from Seung. Seung sees Huyng smiling at a random girl and he's instantly jealous of that girl. While this is again fun in fiction, it's not so much fun in real life. Getting jealous over such small things usually shows the lack of trust you have in your partner. If there is no trust in a relationship, it cannot be considered healthy.
Seung also keeps dropping some hints about how possessive he is and just keeps dragging Huyng around without even asking for his opinion. Under the guise of taking care of Huyng, he brings him to the family vacation house, completely ignoring if Huyng's opinion on the thing. Even earlier Seung brought Huyng to the ocean, dragging him to the beach again ignoring whatever Huyng had to say. Seung keep saying "I'm not going to stop even if you tell me to" and it's just Seung way of saying "I'm going to do whatever I want whetever you like it or not". Even if it's mostly said in the bedroom it really shows outside too.
I'm not saying you're not allowed to enjoy this. As a fiction or a fantasy, but just please do not say that this is healthy and do not actually seek a relationship like this, for your own safety.

The sex scene one is spot one, I agree 100% but the jealousy one? No, not really, I wouldn’t use the word “toxic” to describe that. It’s completely normal, it’s not like he went to stalk the girl after or actually get mad at him, saying getting jealous in the manner that seung did is completely..how do I say, diluting the word.

Seung's reaction was pretty mild indeed, but that is only compared to other fiction. If we actually compare it to real life standards of "healthy"... It's pretty tiring when you or your partner is jealous over every single positive interaction they witness. It will end up you either breaking up with the person or holding yourself back to not do such interactions just to keep your partner happy. And the second option is not healthy on the long run.
And it's tiring from other perspective as well. If you have to doubt your partner every time they just smile at someone, either you're so insecure that you think that your partner would leave you for a stranger or your partner has already betrayed your trust. Either case is not healthy on the long run.
Jealousy is part of relationships and it isn't automatically toxic (I don't think I used that word in the first place), but getting jealous over a single smile at a stranger is the thing. Huyng doesn't seem to have any friends in this, but just imagine how jealous Seung would be if he made one, if just that one smile is enough to make him jealous.

To anyone complaining about the twins: Are you completely serious right now? Yes, they might be 20 on the inside, but they are physically children. Every other character should treat them as such. It is not up to them to clear an misunderstanding, but it should be up to the adults to communicate with their children.
Even putting all the trauma aside, explaining their closed off behaviour, it's up to the parents to come forward for the children, not the other way around. All of you are so busy blaming the children, while they had been raised to believe all their new life that their whole famile couldn't care less (even if the belief is wrong). It's not something easy to disprove in years, even less so in weeks.
The progress may seem slow, but considering that they have met their father, what, 10 times?, and he's suddenly sending them away to the place where they got hurt and abused for their whole life? Did you ever consider that the reason they didn't say no is not because "they are children and can't say no" but because "they are actually 20 years old and can comprehend that their abuser is no longer there and it might be better to be by themselves rather than being surrounded by fake affection"? If they were actually children, they might have been more receptive towards the small actions of love and be more honest about not wanting to go there.
I'm just ranting because this is actually one of the few stories that have written post-abuse realistically and not have the MC's miraculously heal from all their mental wounds after a new family. No diss towards "Oh, I can actually eat more than this one bread?", but seriously, abuse goes much deeper than that.
Real abuse can not only cause deep self-loathing and depression, but also DISTRUST. If you understand this, you should understand why the twins are acting like this.

They are 18 but they were still in high school it’s not like other isekai stories where the MC is older and has people they can actually depend on and plus they went through abuse in their new life. Honestly to me it’s mostly the king that I don’t like mostly because he won’t say anything to the twins, but hey people have different views so idk

this is going into a direction that i didn't sign up for when i started reading. it's basically just fight after fight and it's getting kind of boring. i like the story and i do like where it's going, but all the scenes seem the same now. good guy vs bad guy. good guy gets beaten, they make a comeback, bad guy gets beaten. and sometimes the bad guy makes a comeback and good guy makes a second comeback. they just drag the fights for way too long. i didn't think this would be so heavy in the fighting side.

So you wanted to see him suffer more as a fatty whose only escape of freedom is a copy of his alternate self? Fucking pitiful.
The authors showed their point of views because background and side characters have their own limelight aswell. They deserve the right to tell their story on how and why they chose to fight. Its not your fucking story.
And the fighting scenes are exposed on half of these series because ITS A FUCKING SEINEN-PSYCHOLOGICAL WEBTOON. Its not gonna fucking give you romance or ecchi you horny cow.
If you people didnt even read any of the description that was placed before you started these stories then I highly doubt that you even read the story properly and just scrolled through the dialogues.

dude chill.Did you even read my comment?I have never said i wanted to see Daniel suffer and i am not here for pervy stuff either.You are really weird.How did you even make that assumptions from that comment.There is nothing wrong with telling stories of side characters but they are too long and it's all about fighting so it can get boring for some people (especially when scenes are the same)i am not talking about myself,as i said i liked fighting scenes but instead of all this fighting and god dog thing i would prefer seeing Daniel's story

so that means we are not allowed to tell our opinions?? No one wants fan service why are you always thinking about this kind of stuff?Not all the fans are same and just because someone complained doesn't mean we want fan service or we hate the story.Nothing is perfect.and i am saying this for the third time I LIKE THE STORY NOW AND I AM NOT ANNOYED.

I think you have too much of a Manichean POV. It's not at all good guys vs bad guys, each and every character has their own issues,past and ways to go through life, with good things and bad things, good decisions and bad decisions, their only common point is that they learn, and evolve. Maybe you should spare some time to go back to where you started to feel boredom, and reread everything calmly and carefully without skipping what seem to you to be random fights.
Happy new year.

You were saying that you'd rather have "Daniel" s story, that is basically called fan service.
[Fanservice, or service cut (サービスカット sābisu katto), is material in a work of fiction or in a fictional series which is intentionally added to please the audience.]
Let's just enjoy that awesome story with all its amazing ,complete and interesting characters, it's to rare to not be appreciated...

I love how it's going, but I kinda understand some peeps POV. For others, it may be too much seinen and much less psychological.
I think what these peeps saying, they want to see progress with the main character (not watch him suffer lmao.. nor thirst for fanservice).
Ps: Sound like you need a breather. Way on edge bruh lol. People have opinions it happens, at least they have a fair reason tho you disagree.

This author takes good care of every character, and he likes exploring new plots, rather than sticking to one / focusing on MC.
You're mistaken if you think this is just some simple manhwa, where boy change his life etc. This KOREAN author is a man on a mission. He's out here trying to spread important message, subtly make readers ponder, while at the same time creating engaging/relatable plots and characters. Which is fuking brilliant imo.
So, if you were initially here just to see some skin-deep storyline, and quickly have your happy ending, this not it. Gonna be a LONG journey before we get there.

I've follow Jun's work since the start and as times went on 6 months ago, his colleagues explained to insta that he's been getting backlash because of the different things he portrayed in the story (Such as the types of violence, how the webtoon is progressing and the lack of "Romance") and he's getting frustrated and depressed because of it.
He said he wanted to write his own story and not let the people drown him in fanmails telling suggestions on how to 'improve' his story. And when the time he said that, everyone got mad at him because he wasn't ackowledging his fans.
Thats why im mad.
And btw, people like them are those who doesn't know patience. Im always waiting for a chapter in Kuroshitsuji everymonth and I was always grateful about it (Even though it was sad because the story became a fans service on the other arcs.) Plus there are series that wasnt even completed (and will probably never be) and we always wait for it like Gangsta, My little monster, Sadistic beauty and Gantz.

It's good to read your side of story. Cause it seems you're simply very passionate, but making personal attacks online isn't nice (I mean what does stereotyping a homebody as cowards has anything to do with this lol) It would've been great if you had replied/explained to others as you did here. So they can understand you better. ^^
I don't follow the author keenly, so I (also many others) didn't know about the backlash. Though I've always thought this manhwa is quite a double-edged sword. The story & characters attract a.. certain type of audience. We may see what the author's going for, but others might just be here mostly for superficial stuff.
It happens I guess. So though it is heartbreaking, I've always expected those backlashes. I just hope the author has someone rational to talk to so he can deal with all the pressure.
ANYWAY, I see your point and I understand. But let's try understand others too & be cool. The author in this manhwa is all bout being open-minded & having empathy, so let's do that too k? ^^

Yeah, im sorry for being like this. But since I've sticked up to him since the debut of him being a comic artist I've felt frustrated to see someone get hate on their own story just because of something so irrelevant.
He actually puts up vlogs and has starred as a guest in shows like RS in Korea and has expressed his passion on revealing that everything (Even his own country) has a good and bad side though everything has a story behind those faults.
Though im only gonna apologise to you since I've left you a pretty bad impression of me. But I've been called irrelevant in this site so its no biggie of youre not fond of me.

Welp, I read this thread just now and no, I wasn't expecting any romance either in this (yes I like BL but, wow so do you according what u read). Your first comment is really rude, not going to lie about that, and I understand you defending the artist. But I was just writing out my feelings. I wasn't "hating" on the story. I actually like the plot a lot (like I mentioned in my first comment) but I just didn't expect it to progress into what seems to be actual martial arts webtoon instead of that seinen-psychological one.
I didn't know the author was receiving such a "backlash", but giving out an opinion should not be a guilt trip regardless. I do understand where you are coming from, it really does suck if your stories are being controlled by the fanbase instead of you being able to do what you like and it equally sucks to have backlash for not doing so. But it should not be on me (or any fan on that matter) to research if the author can actually handle a comment in a platform that the comic was not even meant originally even view from. Have you not critisized a comic on this platform too without knowing the author and their situation? I had no intention of whatsoever to send any "fanmail" to ask to make the series as I would like it. I know that much is wrong and would never do it. I would never want to tell an artist what to do with their own piece unless I actually commissioned it (even if I was paying to read the official publication). It is not okay and I want to make that on thing clear for you.
I'm a bit surprised to see you call me a pussy straight out of the bat. As you've been called irrelevant (what I believe you are not), so did you just call other people names just because of your own frustration. I'm even more so surprised since I thought we were having pretty decent conversation about two different opinions in a another comment section so I thought you were better than that (which you actually are again looking at how this conversation progressed). I do apologize if I offended your or the author's (if they read this) feelings. It was not my purpose and I don't want the story to be edited just so I alone can enjoy it.

I think from the start, this manhwa always had been very heavy on fighting / body building(?) which I guess appeals to Korean male youth. While still attract female audience with good looking men, some bromance / potential romantic partners.
But in this particular arc, we are seeing a lot more of it. Possibly because author is trying to connect the dots.
So even tho you have the right to, tbh I don't know why anyone would complain or be surprised about it.

You're absolutely right, maybe I was baited by the good looks too and now I'm being surprised for no reason at all (although I was never expecting any romance and still stand by it (rather i'd prefer not see any at all)). But it still doesn't cancel out my feelings about the series. Maybe it was the "girlish" side of me that expected the bodybuilding just to be a body positivity thing instead of it progressing into fighting in actual gang wars. I was so excited to see Daniel work on his fat body (and the relationships he had with it), that I guess I kind of turned a blind eye to every other detail dealing with martial arts. I was looking more forward to the emotional side of this series than the physical as this fighting thing just seemed to be a sideplot. So I was wrong. And surprised.
After saying that, I'm actually pretty fond of some martial arts comics and I do like to see some action. But that doesn't really cancel out my original critique (or complaint, whatever you want to call it) of how the fighting in this webtoon still feels like the neverending cycle of comebacks which is getting repetitive. Although it's something most action based comics do anyway, but there is no real excitement behind these ones. As fun as it is to cheer on Vasco, there is no actual fear of them losing when they join the fight halfway through and makes other burn knuckles suddenly alive again after they were beaten 6-0. And then they just sweep the floor with god dogs. Even more so when the MC Daniel himself doesn't actually even join the fight, even though they make him the start and the end of everything. He can't lose if he isn't even participating before they win. So there is no excitement over winning because there was never fear of him losing, if you know what I mean.
Don't get me wrong, I still do get excited about Vasco's "speech" and God Dogs betrayal, the fighting scenes themselves are not that exciting and are taking too long for my taste. But again, this is an opinion, I know, not everyone shares so even if I am complaining about it, I'm not really expecting anything to be done about it. Was just looking for people to agree or disagree. :D

Yes, I understand that now, but I couldn't have known this. Calling me a pussy out of the blue won't change mine or anyone's mind about the series, nor give me a better impression of it. It could have easily had an opposite effect.
Again, I apologize if I made you or the artist feel bad by my comment. I'm still enjoying the series even if I don't like the fight scenes. c:
As an artist as well I know how hard it can be to get criticized when you never asked for it, but it's something even non artists have to go trough. Not everyone can like everything you do, so it's just best to do whatever pleases yourself.
That sounds a bit hypocritical after I actually was the one to criticize. I am feeling a bit bad bad about it, but I still don't think I should be held accountable for writing a comment about my feelings on this platform. Just like you did on that another series comment section.

You misunderstood something.
I'd like to argue that, with this arc, I believe the focus isn't Daniel nor Vasco. They are there as righteous / moral figure.. I guess? Idk how to put it. But anyway, I think 'God Dog' story centre around God Dog's leader Johan.
The author with this manhwa was never about the characters, they're simply there to be sort of the "messenger" / the face & personality. I've always thought the author has his own agendas behind all the characters. For example, how he used Jiho (the short loner glasses kid who went to jail) to inject / give insight on the psychological part of gambling addiction, negative peer influence, too trustful & just basically a complete garbage gullible dumbass. Cause there's always something to take / learn from almost every important arc.
But yeah I see your point. It may not be a strong arc and I get why it can be exhausting to read. I'm not gonna argue that the plot could've been a lot better since you're allowed to feel that way.

This makes sense to me. Maybe I was indeed too invested in the characters themselves instead of the message. I did feel bad for Johan, but I never thought of it that way. I'm propably going to take a new perpective to read this toon in the future thanks to this. Though I think the message could still be delivered without that much fighting scenes, they do make more sense if the point was to get Johan's story across instead of the persons closer to Daniel. Since Johan is involved with gangs it would be weird not to show any fights at all.
I fell a bit dumb for not realizing this type of storytelling sooner, specially after the jail arc, now that I think about it. Still doesn't change my feelings about how boring the fights are to read, but I understand why they want to show them now.
Anyway, thanks for opening my eyes a bit. I think I'll be able to enjoy Lookism more now that I understand better. :D
Not to bash on ppl reading this on here, but it seems ppl aren't aware this is on webtoon. Go support the artist if you can! Give likes to the chapters and stuff.
A lot of people (or at least I did) came here because the one on webtoon isn't up to date, but I agree ^^