I see a lot of comments praising how healthy the relationship between Seung and Huyng is, and please, for your own health, do not think this way. I will explain why it's not healthy. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy reading this as a piece of fiction, and the sex scenes were great and all, but this needs to be addressed.
So, here are couple points:
First off the main focus, the sex scenes. I think we can all agree that consent is an important thing in real life relationships and consent can be revoked at any time, otherwise the sex will be considered rape. How many times does Huyng actually beg for Seung to stop? I feel like the only thing he actually says during sex is "no" and "stop" and the response from Seung keeps being "I can't stop now cuz I'm not in control, you're too hot", which is hot in a piece of fiction, but not so much in real life. The only difference from the rape scene is that Jisuk also punched him, but in the end there doesn't seem to be much difference. Consentual non-con is a completely different matter and it doesn't seem like the pair has made any rules on that and they have no actual safeword. If a safeword is missing, "no" and "stop" are the safewords.
Then, outside of bedroom. Jealousy seems to be a big thing between the two, especially from Seung. Seung sees Huyng smiling at a random girl and he's instantly jealous of that girl. While this is again fun in fiction, it's not so much fun in real life. Getting jealous over such small things usually shows the lack of trust you have in your partner. If there is no trust in a relationship, it cannot be considered healthy.
Seung also keeps dropping some hints about how possessive he is and just keeps dragging Huyng around without even asking for his opinion. Under the guise of taking care of Huyng, he brings him to the family vacation house, completely ignoring if Huyng's opinion on the thing. Even earlier Seung brought Huyng to the ocean, dragging him to the beach again ignoring whatever Huyng had to say. Seung keep saying "I'm not going to stop even if you tell me to" and it's just Seung way of saying "I'm going to do whatever I want whetever you like it or not". Even if it's mostly said in the bedroom it really shows outside too.
I'm not saying you're not allowed to enjoy this. As a fiction or a fantasy, but just please do not say that this is healthy and do not actually seek a relationship like this, for your own safety.
The sex scene one is spot one, I agree 100% but the jealousy one? No, not really, I wouldn’t use the word “toxic” to describe that. It’s completely normal, it’s not like he went to stalk the girl after or actually get mad at him, saying getting jealous in the manner that seung did is completely..how do I say, diluting the word.
Seung's reaction was pretty mild indeed, but that is only compared to other fiction. If we actually compare it to real life standards of "healthy"... It's pretty tiring when you or your partner is jealous over every single positive interaction they witness. It will end up you either breaking up with the person or holding yourself back to not do such interactions just to keep your partner happy. And the second option is not healthy on the long run.
And it's tiring from other perspective as well. If you have to doubt your partner every time they just smile at someone, either you're so insecure that you think that your partner would leave you for a stranger or your partner has already betrayed your trust. Either case is not healthy on the long run.
Jealousy is part of relationships and it isn't automatically toxic (I don't think I used that word in the first place), but getting jealous over a single smile at a stranger is the thing. Huyng doesn't seem to have any friends in this, but just imagine how jealous Seung would be if he made one, if just that one smile is enough to make him jealous.
Did mangago limit the amount of notifications you can have at one time? I used to read like once or twice a month all the updates, but now i only see the updates 10 days backwards... I used to binge read months worth of manga in one day. Is there any other way to save reading progress on this site?
I know I'm a month late but I'd like to know if you had a follow up on this. Just like you, my notifications are only a week old and then they disappear, when I used to have two months worth of them. And just like you, I like to binge read and not come here everyday to check was has been updated. Did you manange to fix the issue ?
Few days ago I posted a question about this and no one knew the answer, but I found a fix accidentally.
So to anyone else that is having the same problem of going to 404 page: Erase the last slash(/) from the end of the URL of that page you get the error on, refresh and TA-DA. The page suddenly exists.
Not to bash on ppl reading this on here, but it seems ppl aren't aware this is on webtoon. Go support the artist if you can! Give likes to the chapters and stuff.
A lot of people (or at least I did) came here because the one on webtoon isn't up to date, but I agree ^^