I see some people saying, "This relationship isn't toxic, they just do [insert toxic behavior]." Come on guys, they're super toxic to each other and to themselves. Consent doesn't erase toxic behavior. Toxic behavior is not a kink. A kink requires boundaries and respect, and they've got little of that. I love them though, they're both obviously struggling, and I'm looking forward to their development.

People take those comments as personal attacks, and as if the manhwa therefore is bad. Stories like these are just bad when the relationship is romanticized, but Yeonwu knows damn well he's not doing anything good for himself, Taehwan knows he's doing it out of trauma, and numerous people point out how unhealthy everything is in the story. They're portrayed as traumatized people in a toxic situation.
That doesn't mean the manhwa is bad, people need to recognize that.

Sorry for the long feelings dump, I just really dislike the portrayal of Yoon as straightforward. And I want to clarify here that the rejection was ultimately a good thing, and I definitely don't think Yoon intended to hurt Joon.
But Yoon was only straightforward because Joon confronted him and requested that he clear up any misunderstanding. From the way he was texting before, it's clear he was intending on ghosting. He only properly rejected Joon once he was forced to consider there was another person on the other side of all his actions. The rejection is the only good thing to come of all this, but it is very clear to me that Yoon led Joon on.
He himself noticed all the little ways that Joon reacted to him, and he noticed all this knowing that Joon definitely had feelings for him in the past. Remember, this is the guy who felt so angry at someone else that he took his anger out on someone who was obviously being vulnerable by exposing their feelings and then he trashed them (in the raws, he said to Joon that the confession makes him feel dirty or filthy). He still hasn't apologized for that.
Let's face it. Yoon got off on the little reactions Joon was giving him, seeing how bad things were going for him before, like being dumped for the first time. He wanted that boost Joon gave him. He liked being liked until he had to play a role in it himself, until he had to take responsibility (see how he keeps avoiding apologizing).
Not purposely hurting Joon isn't a good sign to me. He doesn't consider other people when he does something. He's just selfish in a way that hurts others and benefits him. I'm not saying he's evil, he's not. But he isn't a straightforward, honest person.
Hopefully, this changes! I don't think he is irredeemable, and we see from how he was in middle school (why Joon fell for him) that he is a good person. I think he just got too used to caring only for himself, which might have been a necessary thing growing up. But that doesn't mean we can excuse his actions.
Sorry for the rant I'm gonna go back and study now...

I'm posting this as a separate comment for those who are confused about the whole sister thing:
In China, cousins are considered like sisters and brothers too, and their children are considered nephews and nieces (this is true in many Asian countries). It's clear from the family pictures we've seen of Lihuan's family that he's an only child and that the little girl is a relative such that it's easiest to call her a niece (my roommate is from China, and she calls her cousin's son her nephew). Chinese people would understand this, but other people wouldn't, so I don't understand why the translators translated without context. Maybe they didn't know either, since 外甥女 literally translates to sister's daughter, they probably didn't think to find out the cultural meaning of the word.

You guys, this translator is rewriting the dialogue cause she's not fluent enough to understand the longer and more complex dialogues. Go look at the raws, you'll see that in places that have longer sentences and even paragraphs, she'll translate to simple sentences that don't match the original dialogue at all. Crappy translations is one thing, completely inaccurate translations is on another level.

If I may give an example, in chapter 21, when Bin picks up Gok, Gok actually says "You got jealous over Jinju, you like me." And yet, in that section of dialogue in the new translator's chapter, she doesn't mention Jinju AT ALL. Instead, she replaces it with "I was miserable without you." That is not even remotely the same as what the original said. Are you guys really okay with this? We had good translators on this before, I don't know why this translator just showed up and took over, it's a shit move.
The uploader lied. YD never tried to doxx them; doxxing means to publish private information publicly, which YD never had any intention of doing. YD only requested for information about the uploader to be sent to them so that they can sue illegal uploaders, as is their right. Also, YD never published photos of the uploader. The photos that the uploader claims are of their face actually belong to someone else. Check this tweet from the actual owner of those photos: https://mobile.twitter.com/anthonyngo/status/1417742754361270272. The uploader changed their Twitter and privated once this info was released. YD did nothing wrong, stop spreading misinformation.
Thank god the truth came out
i cant believe so many ppl eat those shithead lies u just because theyre minors who minds you, doing illegal shit and *might not* be minor after all. Poor author now having countless of shithead wishing theyre dead when they just want ppl to stop reading their works illegally, or at the very least dont tell them about illegal sites hosting their works (which isnt in the brain of some ppl here what a dumbasses)
agree omg T_T
Okay, I change my mindset now: YD never doxxed anyone