IDK if I've just read way too many similar mangas, but I feel as if this manga has a few big plot why do the adults feel as if they have the right to breed children??? if they're supposed to grow up "perfectly adultlike", what criteria are they following? Who gets to decide? The scientists, who aren't perfect themselves? Also if they're perfect adults, why do beggars and blue-collar work still exist?? (not to say there's anything wrong with being a beggar or blue-collar workers, but if society is perfect, why do some people still have jobs that pay less or don't have any jobs at all???) Why do the "Necessary" have such little ethics (e.x. that lady who just enjoys killing the kids with her own bare hands), surely even they can retrospectively realize the hypocrisy, right (since they're suppose to be the cream of the crop when it comes to being "adultlike"? I mean, looking at our world, things like designer babies are considered unethical/borderline "god complex", so why can their society (which seems to be equal if not more advance in knowledge and tech) formulate the same ideas??? Why do the adults not question: Hey where did my friends go? I haven't seen them since graduation, EVER. How about their history? What the fuck do they learn??? Like just all the real history until the genetic modification part? They don't question it at all? How about biology, they don't question where their parents are? Even if the concept of "parents" doesn't exist, they would still know enough about biology to question whose uterus they came out of right? Lastly, this is just a pet peeve, but what is with MC always having a childhood friend (that's always a cute girl) that literally has no personality and only exist as a "raison d'etre" for the MC???
all i got to say is....
he really is bastard (lol) and I can't help but love him... although the hero may be a issue lol
I feel that this manga is great for many reasons, one being its art, but mainly because of how realistic it is. The characters are all flawed & they do things that make sense, which is something you rarely see nowadays in isekai mangas. Look at shit like the death march or really any villainess reincarnation manga(not to say I don't like them), characters rarely act realistic. Things start with a little realism, but then sudden they are ignored or forgotten for convenience sake, like how women wouldn't have been treated equally back then or that the main character had a life(aka people they cared about) before their birth, or even really important things like the FACT THAT THE REINCARNATED MC IS OLDER THEN ALOT OF PEOPLE AROUND HIM (like a 32 yr old lady falling for a 9yr old shota just cause her body is 9yrs old???). In this manga, things aren't perfect, slavery is still predominant factor of their economy, women are not of a equal stance in both marriage and society, and the people are as callous and mean as real people are (showcased better in the manga about the MC's teach). However that is what would actually happen if you reincarnated. No place is perfect, you can't just suddenly introduce life-altering tech or began some bakery where you bake "modern" bread (srry if this seems random, I just read a dumb isekai about baking). The MC uses what he has from previous life (his experiences and empathy from being a hikkimori) realistically, I mean just look at the latest chap.
P.S. there are still flaws to the MC like that he is a huge perv, but everyone should have some flaws, or else they're just mary sue...
So they're making an anime of this manga (although the design seems more like the novel's art) ヾ(☆▽☆) So EXCITED!!!