Gege once again showed the parallels with putting present yuuji in front of child megumi. Back then, gojo was around the same age & when mrgumi met him he asked about the weird (funny) face he made. Now, it's child gumi again and he's asking about the another weird face another person is making. That said weird face is a face that is crying, and is very troubled. Yuuji is standing where gojo atood years ago & changed megumi's fate. He's the reason megumi trained himself the way he did & entered jujutsu high. He probably would've done the same even if he got sold to the zenins as we can see mai & maki but the track of his life would've been complete opposite. Gojo that day, standing there, made a weird face and opened a different path for little megumi - now yuuji is doing the same. Megumi wants to die because there is nothing left for him (the fact that gojo has died by his own hands is still hidden from him) so yuuji is telling him he can do what he wants, just like gojo gave him a choice back then. But he gave megumi options. Here, yuuji gives him the freedom of choice but by the end, makes his personal request. He says he'll be lonely without him, not because he wants to convince megumi to stay but because yuuji is sincerely telling him how he'd feel. So yuuji is giving megumi a new path too. Megumi could either choose here to die or hold onto yuuji & get back up. Yuuji who looks like an adult megumi is here to hold hia hand and protect him, just like gojo did years ago. It's the same thing over again.
I agree with yuuji, it is megumi's choice. Alot of people hate on megumi for being like this & there's no point in arguing with them but personally i understand him. After the only reason for you to live disappears, i wouldn't know what to do either. Megumi chose this path so tsumiki would be happy, now she's gone. Peoe don't understand he's a human. Ofc, yuuji is a human too, but everyone is different. And there were times yuuji lost himself and got back up again because of the people around him. Megumi all this time never had someone, this is the first time someone talked to him after his soul got trapped. So i agree with him. Whatever he chooses will be fine by me too.
Still, in the end, if possible I'd hope for megumi to realise something. Realise that even though it looks like the end right now, someday it will start again too. Realise that yuuji is sticking out his hand for megumi to hold. Yuuji can't do anything but trust megumi, so i hope megumi would put his faith in yuuji too. I hope he'd get up too. I really hope he'd remember what gojo told him about his trump card. I really hope megumi would remember that just like him who has lost everything, yuuji too, standing there has nothing to go back to. So if he chooses, they can be there for each other. I hope megumi chooses himself over his sister this time. I hope megumi chooses himself over anyone this time. I hope you do, megumi. I really hope you do. Good luck with everything!