Kenzo created a topic of Break a Leg

I like it when the seme is a crybaby

Might I remind you that this is all in a span of a single semester.

#No.1 Haruki defender through and through.

Kenzo created a topic of Omerta
Kenzo created a topic of Aesthetics of Unpleasantness

Jenkins lmao it sounds like a name you see on Wattpad. He does not look like a Brett or an Edward at all

Kenzo created a topic of My Brother's Lover

What the hael is happening

Kenzo created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

I like that Sam-myeong is able to speak out what kinda bullshit the piece of shit is doing. I genuinely hope he stays that way and doesn't develop feelings for that piece of shit.

I like how even though he's not physically strong his mind and heart is strong. He's very beautiful too. Unlike that piece of shit that looks like he took drugs.

Stop it you will leave your pheromones on him. Please think with your brain and not your dick. You can do it once the bigger problem is settled omg

Kenzo created a topic of Gomidame no Garnet

Is it bad that I wanted there to be more angst

Kenzo created a topic of Control Time

He reminds me so much if nagi the °×° face he did

Kenzo created a topic of Payback

Why's he so short lmao

Kenzo created a topic of One room TA
Kenzo created a topic of Report My Boss

He came so much he can use it as a hair gel

Kenzo created a topic of Murder on Sunset 19th Street

It's always the blonde. Never trust them

What a bunch of idiots, I hate them. (Affectionately)

Kenzo created a topic of Jinx

See my pinky, see my thumb, see my fist you better run.

Kenzo created a topic of Guiding Hazard

He looks like an angel. Idk how ml doesn't want him

That was the most "here, damn" ending I've read

Kenzo created a topic of OΣG!!! = Oh My God =

When you want to look cool but you end up looking dumb