I wonder if since they didn’t save game with the tape will pi bada still have the basement key next round? With a new character aware (maybe?) I wonder if my theories will come to fruition. Wonder what will happen once they unlock all characters I feel like there’s so much more now so that can’t simply be the way to end game. Lol or maybe it’s “the power of friendship” that wins them their game Lmaoo that would be so fucking funny thinking about it
To add on to my last AIB related theory what if just like in AIB they win and get to exit the game but have the choice to keep playing to find out more about the game and what’s really behind it all similar to how in AIB you can choose to become a game maker or leave the game. I know this author probably isn’t sitting down just taking plot points from other works but I do enjoy theorizing plus it’ll be fun to look back and see how far off I was if that is the case lol anyways I’m still more convinced with my AIB inspired “joint-coma theory” or they’re all stuck in a VR game theory