Maybe Law is good ? Idk I see some hints showing that Law is not as bad as we think he is.
I think that we tend to think that he's bad because of what Jesse is thinking.
And Jesse's pov is very interesting. I mean we stick with the idea that Law is bad only because we doubt him. So in every little thing he's doing we can find some proof that he's not clear. Only because we want to.
That doesn't mean he really is.

I found Raws here :
Bit disappointed tho...
Wait I don't understand. Didn't he say that he had plans on christmas ? and now he doesn't ? @A@
Same :')
I'm sure he cancelled his plans... specially agter his sisters called him a idiot!!!
Or maybe it's already count as the next day? Since it show that it's already 11pm when ginger thinking by himself
..or so i thought
That was christmas night. Im sure his plans with his friends were already over. Im guessing it was night. It looked kinda dark.
christmas is two days, christmas eve and christmas day. He could have had plans for one day not both and didn't explain it properly. Or he cancelled the plans upon reflecting and realized it would be good to be romantic.
Yeah bc Ginger said to Rum that he "shouldn't be late" for his plans and keep them waiting, so I think Ginger caught Rum supposedley on his way to meet his friends, but Rum prob cancelled his plans already so they could spend time on Xmas together