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2025-03-19 08:15 marked

when male authors write fucked up shit everyone tries to find deep meaning to it (ahem eroguro)
so why when women write the same shit you guys instantly jump to the worst ‘she is normalizing, promoting, condoning’ when they are actually the ones who will experience it at least one time in their lives, they have the right to play with it, they are not appropiating a experience that don’t belong to them, its a daily fear for them. the fact that some prefer to see this as someone using us for ‘weird shit’ instead of an instance to share experiences because queer/gay men also have high levels of assault is just so ?! to me
is not that you Have to like problematic stories, but there is a really visible pattern. When men use women to write problematic stories people's reaction is always something like 'ok, this is disgusting, but isn't it interesting how you can interpret this as..’ but when women who are most likely to live these problematic things do the same it is always ‘another gross hag fantasy’
2025-02-26 21:51 marked

And this is not exclusive to when they don't like a bl, because when they like one, it is always something among the lines of ‘finally something good in this garbage genre." If someone gave me money for each ‘breath of fresh air’ that I find in yaoi comments I would be a millionaire lmao
Also, people really forget that authors/creatives are multifaceted, and instead of being happy or amazed by the versatile of an author they feel betrayed /syundei or that the author ‘improved and grew as a person’ /paspaskim. and is like, authors sometimes will want to approach certain topics from different perspectives
2025-02-26 21:41 marked

The novel was a bit more detailed about the cheating part of ch 38. The purple haired guy gave ML his number; did ML keep the number?
In CH 38, after ML cheated on MC with purple hair. ML and MC were playing a game with a stick, and the purple haired guy and his bf came.
ML got angry and said he doesn’t know them, and excused himself to go to the bathroom. And the purple haired guy also said he’s going to the bathroom.
Manhua doesn’t mention what happens when the purple haired guy goes to the bathroom, following ML. Did ML cheat again? Does it perhaps say what happened in novel regarding the purple hair guy following ML to bathroom?
And meanwhile, MC naively followed the purple haired guy’s bf and got tricked.
2025-02-20 15:41 marked

2025-02-15 10:39 marked
2025-02-02 17:46 marked
2025-01-28 22:10 marked
2025-01-25 23:44 marked
2025-01-25 09:59 marked

The story is actually well developed. At the beginning, both characters were completely unsync, their thoughts and feelings were at different directions. But its a journey, and now theyre finally understanding each other. I think people really dont know that growth isnt linear. Sometimes you take 2 steps ahead and one back. This doesnt excuse or erases ML's abuse, he HIMSELF said it so IDK why some people acting like he isnt acknowledging it (he did, many times and asked MC to leave him). I believe MC is equally damaged, but ofc people focus on only one side lol. Yes, he doesnt hurt others like ML did, but he hurts himself, which is in tune with their dom and sub/maso and sado dynamics.
Would they be better with therapy/leaving each other and go on different paths? Sure, perhaps. But why do some readers want to sanitize a story so bad to fit with their morals when it comes to non existing people? Makes me roll my eyes, its stupid. I do wish them a happy ending because I believe they can get there, but I hate that just because theyre not a healthy dynamic, people are being dramatic on the comments. If its not a story for you, leave, simple as that.
ANYWAY I'm looking forward for the next season. I havent read the novel yet but I will and I'm excited. I like how both MCs are growing, and I love it more because it feels organic and slow, not everything needs to be done in a perfect way and it wouldnt feel as compeling if both suddenly became better tbh. Really loving this so far.
2025-01-06 02:44 marked
2024-12-11 22:02 marked

2024-12-08 20:45 marked
2024-11-30 22:15 marked
2024-11-22 18:42 marked
I looked up the novel and now I'm in absolute despair... I should've stayed...